
jūn bīnɡ zhǒnɡ
  • category of troops;branches and services of the armed forces
  1. 方法:应用TOPSIS法对西北地区不同军兵种、不同类别军队人员的6项主要卫生服务需要量指标进行综合评价。

    Methods : A comprehensive evaluation was made on six main indices of health services needs of service-specific and rank-specific military members in Northwest China with TOPSIS .

  2. 我们正在上军兵种知识课。

    We are studying the subject of the services and arms .

  3. 不同军兵种官兵的健康状况存在差异。

    There was difference in different arms of services .

  4. 联合作战与多军兵种协同作战的区别是什么?

    What is the difference between Joint Operation and Multi-Services and Arms Cooperation ?

  5. 调整改善军兵种比例、官兵比例、部队与机关比例,减少非战斗机构和人员。

    Adjust the personnel composition of the military and reduce non - combatant departments and staff members .

  6. 军队后勤领导综合协调论不同军兵种官兵对初级军官胜任特征的评价

    COMPREHENSIVE COORDINATING CAPACITY OF MILITARY LOGISTIC COMMANDERS Evaluation of competency in low-ranking commanders in different armed services and arms of services

  7. 军兵种政治部负责军兵种部队预备役军官的有关管理工作。

    The political departments of the army forces shall be responsible for the administration of reserve officers in their respective forces .

  8. 第二,认真学习现代化战争知识,学习诸军兵种联合作战。

    Second , they should help the cadres to conscientiously study modern warfare and combined operations involving various services and arms .

  9. 渡海登陆作战是诸军兵种联合作战中最复杂、最困难的作战样式。

    Sea-crossing landing operation is the most complex and difficult style in the joint operation of army , navy and air force .

  10. 部队训练还包括现代化战争知识、诸军兵种联合作战的内容。

    Study of modern warfare and of combined operations by the various services and arms should also be included in the training .

  11. 它的组织体制,按基本组织结构分为总部体制、军兵种体制、军区体制。

    Its basic organizational structures can be categorized into the general headquarters / departments , the services and arms and the military area commands .

  12. 数字化部队是以各个军兵种的数字化为基础的,炮兵作为其中之一,它的数字化建设进程将关系并影响着部队数字化建设的程度。

    Artillery is one of those services and arms , whose digitization construction process will concern and influence the digitization construction level of troops .

  13. 现代战争是高技术条件下的诸军兵种联合作战的战争,对地理信息的提供和保障都有着特殊的要求。

    The modern war is joint operations among all arms of services under the high tech , which asks for special supports and service of geographic information .

  14. 深化以战区为基础的卫生联勤保障后,军兵种部队不再保留医疗保障实体,必须相应改革特勤人员医疗保障模式。

    With the deepening of joint services based on war region , the corps will no longer keep the health support organization , and their health support model will be changed correspondingly .

  15. 在总政治部领导下,各大军区、军兵种一定要把这件事情办好。

    We must see to it that , under the leadership of the General Political Department , all the greater military regions and all services and arms do well in this work .

  16. 除了要求有统一的空间参照和定位基准以外,还必须将诸军兵种所需的地理空间信息科学合理地统一在一起,形成一个有机整体。

    Besides of uniform spatial reference and positioning datum , modern war must unite all the geographic spatial information needed by all arms of services to a organic integer scientific and reasonably .

  17. 结论本标准适用于陆军在热环境下劳动的安全保障,其他军兵种也可对照使用以预防中暑。

    Conclusion This standard is suitable for use in army soldiers working under humid hot environments . Besides army , other armed services can also refer to this standard for preventing heat illness .

  18. 要认真学习军事知识,如飞机、坦克的型号、性能,怎么样对付,诸军兵种联合作战怎样指挥等等。

    The students should pursue military knowledge earnestly , including knowledge of the types and characteristics of planes and tanks and how to combat them , and how to direct combined operations by the various services and arms .

  19. 这里讲的军师级干部,不单是战斗部队的军师级干部,还有总部、军兵种、各大军区的军师级干部。

    When we refer to the cadres at the army and divisional levels , we include not only those in the combat forces but also those in the general headquarters and offices of the different services and arms and the greater military regions .

  20. 现在大军区、军兵种的领导干部,已经进行了必要的调整和交流,除个别人外,也要稳定一个时期。

    Now that we have carried out the necessary reassignment and interchange of leading personnel among the greater military regions and the various services and arms , there should be no further changes in leadership for a certain period , except in individual cases .

  21. 信息化战争是指在信息时代核威慑条件下,交战双方以信息化军队为主要作战力量,在陆、海、空、天、电等全维空间展开的多军兵种一体化的战争。

    Information warfare is a form of war that two warring military use information as the main combat force in the land of sea , air , space and electricity and to inclused the multi-dimensional military integration war under the conditions of nuclear deterrence .

  22. 但随着其它军兵种信息化建设的步伐加快,这种传统武器装备存在的火力反应速度慢、与其他火力单元之间无法进行信息沟通、难以融入现代战场指挥系统等不足显现的越来越明显。

    However , as the footstep of military information-based construction accelerating , the shortcoming of this traditional arming is becoming more and more obvious because of its slower firepower reaction , difficulty to connect with other firepower units , and difficulty to penetrate into modern battlefield command and control system .

  23. 该方法也可推广应用到其它复杂武器系统如多军、兵种联合行动中武器系统的EMC分析和电磁加固实践中,以有效地减小或消除各友邻武器系统相互之间的EMI影响。

    This method also can be applied to EMC analysis and electromagnetic hardening practice of other complicated weapon systems , such as the multi services and arms mutually supporting weapon system to effectively reduce and eliminate EMI among friend weapon systems .

  24. 现代军事变革的发展已使多军、兵种联合作战成为必然趋势。

    The modern military revolution has made the joint operations of many army services be an inevitable trend .

  25. 文章就秦末农民起义军的兵种、武器、领导、军法和奖惩等兵制作了系统的探讨;

    This article gives a systematic research on the arm , weapons , leadership , rewards and punishments of the peasants insurrectionary army at the end of Qin Dynasty .

  26. 西夏的地方军由各监军司所辖,共有50万人,军兵种主要是骑兵和步兵两种。

    The local forces , under jurisdiction of several departments of the Military Council , consisted of roughly 500 000 cavalrymen and infantrymen .