
  1. 论军事哲学思想历史发展的基本规律

    The Basic Law of the Historical Development of Military Philosophical Thoughts

  2. 孙子的军事哲学思想探析

    The Art of War by SUN Wu : Philosophical Thoughts

  3. 军事哲学体系本质上是开放的,对军事哲学的基本问题和问题域的认识是随着军事实践的发展而不断拓展的。

    Our comprehension of military philosophy deepens with the development of the times and especially with military practice .

  4. 《孙子兵法》既是现存最古老的战争与战略理论著作,也是优秀的军事哲学和战略思维著作。

    The Art of War is not only the oldest of war and strategic theory writings , but also an excellent work of military philosophy and strategic thinking .

  5. 军事哲学存在的价值和根据,首先在于它适应了当代军事理论与军事实践发展的需要。

    Military philosophy has come to be established as a discipline , mainly because it fits in with the needs of the latest development in contemporary military theory and practice .

  6. 论文第一章主要介绍先秦军事哲学产生的社会背景、思想史背景及主要发展阶段。

    The first chapter mainly introduces the social background , intellectual history background of the emerge of military philosophy of pre-Qin period , and also the stage of development of it .

  7. 诞生于19世纪的马克思和恩格斯,运用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义、马克思主义军事哲学等理论研究战争,创立了马克思主义战争观。

    The Marxist military philosophy is such a scientific war theory proven by practice . The theory is founded by Karl Max and Frederick Engels during their research on the wars of human history with dialectical materialism and historical materialism .

  8. 整篇论文结合战争伦理学、军事技术哲学、经济学和国际法学等方面的基本观点,比较全面和系统地分析了生物武器的伦理问题,对解决方法也作了比较切合实际的探讨。

    Having absorbed basic views from martial ethics , philosophy of martial technology , economics , and international law , the paper has made a systematic analysis on the ethics aroused by biological weapon and put forward practicable means of solving this problem .

  9. 天主教耶稣会在中国:耶稣会在东西方科学、军事科技及哲学所扮演穿针引线的角色。西半球主管科技部长会议

    The Jesuit interlude in China : role of Jesuits in science , military technology , and philosophy East and West . Hemispheric Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Science and Technology

  10. 银雀山汉简对于我国军事史、哲学史、文字学、古简册制度等研究,均有重要的价值。

    The Han bamboo slips from Yinque Mountain are of great importance for the study of Chinese military history , philosophy history , philology and the system of ancient bamboo slips as well .

  11. 略论魏禧军事著作中的哲学思想

    Philosophical Thought of Wei Xi 's Military Works

  12. 与军事战略、军事哲学和政治思想的紧密结合是先秦武器装备思想的基本特点。

    Combining with military strategy , military philosophy and political thought are the basic characteristics of the outfit thought in the pre-Qin times .

  13. 拉姆斯菲尔德军事思想具有丰富的内涵,它包括军事哲学思想、统战思想和军队建设思想等。

    His thought has the rich connotation , it included military philosophy thought , united front thought and modernization of the armed forces thought .