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nèi xiōng
  • brother-in-law;wife's elder brother
内兄 [nèi xiōng]
  • [wifes elder brother] 妻子的哥哥

内兄[nèi xiōng]
  1. 在路上,皮埃尔得知他的内兄和安德烈公爵的死讯。

    On the way he was told of the death of his brother-in-law , Anatole , and of the death of Prince Andrey .

  2. 杰尼来自中西部的布莱克希思,她由48岁的弟弟斯图尔特、71岁的姐姐伊冯·霍布斯以及70岁的内兄格林陪伴着走过了红地毯。

    Jayne , from Blackheath , West Mids , was walked down the aisle by her youngest brother Stuart Blakeway , 48 , sister Yvonne Hobbs , 71 , and brother-in-law Glyn , 70 .

  3. 摩西的内兄(或作岳父)是基尼人,他的子孙与犹大人一同离了棕树城,往亚拉得以南的犹大旷野去,就住在民中。

    The descendants of Moses'father-in-law , the Kenite , went up from the City of Palms with the men of Judah to live among the people of the Desert of Judah in the Negev near Arad .

  4. 摩西岳父(或作内兄)何巴的后裔,基尼人希百曾离开基尼族,到靠近基低斯撒拿音的橡树旁支搭帐棚。

    Now Heber the Kenite , which was of the children of Hobab the father in law of Moses , had severed himself from the Kenites , and pitched his tent unto the plain of Zaanaim , which is by Kedesh .