- Domestic debt;internal debt

[internal debt] 政府向本国人民借的债务
So-called internal debt , it is the loan of national home and emission bond .
The public debt thoughts of Liang Qichao are very rich , and the public debt thought of this article is specially referred to his internal debt .
Indeed , there has been considerable growth in the bond markets in the region .
The reorganization measure temporarily lightened the government 's financial burden , and rationalized the structure of its internal debts .
Unlike some countries that have run into serious debt trouble , 95 percent of what Japan owes is held domestically .
Northern Warlords issued twenty-seven kinds of domestic loans , of which twelve claimed back to the Boxer indemnity funds to guarantee .
Modern , global capital markets have never seen a rise in public debt so fast or so skewed towards the rich world .
Under the stimulus of the refund of Boxer indemnity funds , the issuance of domestic loans went up continuously from 1917 to 1921 .
Although the shift from external to domestic borrowing can reduce vulnerability to external shocks , it also carries risks from possible over-borrowing or inadequate supervision .
And the lessons from past financial crises remain clear – excessive borrowing , whether external or domestic , is risky , and problems in one arena can quickly spill over into the other .
The domestic debts were a trying of the government for the political stability and economic development in the complex social environment of late Qing Dynasty suffering from the exploitation of external debt and insufficiency of tax-raising .
Even if a fatal accident can be avoided , the division between creditor and debtor countries will be reinforced and the " periphery " countries will have no chance to regain competitiveness because the playing field is tilted against them .
At home and abroad the researches on foreign debts in the late Qing Dynasty are fruitful but the researches on internal debt in that period are comparatively weak with some research from the perspective of economic history , or of special characters , lack of systematic studies .