
  1. 其实很简单,坦诚才是最有效的。

    Simple , yet honest is always effective .

  2. Reader安全对代理的影响其实很简单。

    Agents are actually very straightforward when it comes to Reader security .

  3. 这一机制背后的原理其实很简单:Rails首先通过反射将控制器中的变量拷贝到一个容器中,其后又将该容器中的变量拷贝回视图实例。

    The magic is actually quite simple : Rails uses reflection to copy controller variables into a collection , which is then copied back into the view instance .

  4. 或者,幸福其实很简单&有遮风避雨的住所,冰箱里有食物,有孩子、宠物、游泳池、Gucci的包,有父母、子孙、有爱情、金钱和理想的工作,彩票中奖了呢?

    Food in the fridge ? Having a child ? A pet ? A swimming pool ? A designer Gucci bag ? Parents ? Grandchildren ? Love ? Money ? The perfct job ? Winning the Lottery ?

  5. 这个问题看似复杂,其实很简单。

    This problem seems complicated , but actually it is simple .

  6. 其实很简单,接受我,只因为我。

    They 're simple , accept me for who I am !

  7. 或者,幸福其实很简单一一有遮风避雨的住所

    Or is happiness simply having a roof over your head ?

  8. 研究者们表示,这其实很简单,只要在用餐时换一个小号的餐盘。

    Simply eat from a smaller plate , researchers say .

  9. 香料减肥的科学原理其实很简单,他说。

    The scientific principle behind Sensa is remarkably simple , he said .

  10. 答案其实很简单&因为我是一名教育者。

    The answer is easy & I 'm an educator .

  11. 快乐其实很简单,笑笑就来了。

    Happiness is actually very simple , shao-shao is coming .

  12. 祷告其实很简单,就是你我之间的谈心。

    Prayer is simply you having a conversation with Me .

  13. 开始行动其实很简单,也是可行的。

    Getting started is easy , simple , and doable .

  14. 事实上,最近发生的一件事表明,原因其实很简单。

    Well , the reason in a recent case is actually quite explainable .

  15. 其实很简单:杰克用爱创造了奇迹。

    It 's simple : My dog Jake worked miracles with his love .

  16. 所以停止坏习惯其实很简单:只要停止“饲养”坏习惯。

    So breaking bad habit is actually simple : just stop feeding it .

  17. 百思买的问题其实很简单&那就是成本过高。

    The issue for best buy is its costs are simply too high .

  18. 保护公司信息其实很简单。

    Protecting your company information can be very simple .

  19. 这种服务,其实很简单,

    So what that service does , quite simply ,

  20. 今天的梅菜五花肉其实很简单,是星期三的晚餐之一。

    This dish " Preserved Vegetables with Pork Belly " is easy to make .

  21. 好运其实很简单,但需要付出很多努力。

    Being lucky is easy , but it takes a lot of hard work .

  22. 真相其实很简单

    The truth is so , so simple .

  23. 其实很简单,在墙上再刷一次乳胶漆就可以了。

    Is actually very simple once painted on the wall latex paint on it .

  24. 展示权威其实很简单,只要把手头需要做的事做了便成。

    Showing authority can be as simple as doing what needs to get down .

  25. 要保护某种资产组合不受这样或那样的风险影响其实很简单。

    It is easy enough to protect a portfolio against this or that risk .

  26. 不要过度分析,生活其实很简单。

    Stop over analyzing , life is simple .

  27. 这其实很简单。

    And here the story is fairly simple .

  28. 这其实很简单,因为已经收集到了这些用户。

    It 's a simple thing , really , since you already gathered the users .

  29. 我的梦想其实很简单,希望每一天都快乐的度过。

    My dream is actually very simple and I hope to spend every day happy .

  30. 兰格表示,这个挑战其实很简单。

    Langer says the challenge was easy .