
ɡōnɡ kāi pāi mài
  • public auction
  1. 这颗网球大小的宝石——去年秋天在卢卡拉钻石公司(Lucara)的南非钻石矿发现的一颗1109克拉的白钻——将于周三晚上在伦敦的一场苏富比(Sotheby’s)公开拍卖会上拍卖。

    The tennis ball-size gem - a 1109-carat white diamond discovered last fall in the Lucara mine in South Africa - will be up for bid Wednesday evening in a public auction at Sotheby 's in London .

  2. 第三节论述了公开拍卖原则。

    Section III discusses the principles of public auction .

  3. 民营企业H公司为了参加A地林场的公开拍卖,委托笔者牵头组成猎鹰调查小组,对A地林场展开了一次营销调查研究。

    In order to take part in a auction of state-owned forest farm A , the private company H asked the author to form a team to pursue a study on marketing for the farm .

  4. 太平洋资产管理公司(Pimco)最近与SecondMarket达成了一项协议,将定期举办公司股票非公开拍卖。

    Asset manager PIMCO recently worked out a deal with secondmarket to hold regular private auctions for company stock .

  5. 马丁·雷帕波特(MartinRapaport)说,公开拍卖原石应该是一个明智的决定。他的雷柏帕特集团(RapaportGroup)在钻石定价领域是一个重要信息源。

    Martin Rapaport , whose Rapaport Group is an important source of information on diamond pricing , said the decision to auction an uncut stone would prove to be a savvy one .

  6. 12月8日,这幅作品将在伦敦克丽斯汀拍卖行公开拍卖。

    It will be sold by Christie 's in London on8 December .

  7. 那些珠宝公开拍卖以前我们私下看了预展。

    We have a private view of the jewel before the public auction .

  8. 香港政府原打算将这片土地进行公开拍卖。

    The Hong Kong government planned to put the site up for public auction .

  9. 私人股本公司之间是否存在明显的共谋行为,以回避竞争激烈的公开拍卖?

    Is there any overt collusion among private equity firms to avoid fiercely contested auctions ?

  10. 不过,毋庸置疑的是,最近的公开拍卖出现了越来越多不透明的时刻。

    But there 's no escaping the increasing opacity of certain moments at recent public sales .

  11. 这更多地是为收购基金提供了机会,使它们可以支持企业管理人士,以避免公开拍卖。

    That provides more of an opportunity for buy-out funds backing the executives to avoid an auction .

  12. 2015年公开拍卖中最贵的10个中国作品中有4个来自崔如琢。

    Four of the 10 most expensive Chinese works sold at public auctions in 2015 were by Cui .

  13. 星期二(12月7日),即拿破仑登基200周年纪念日几天之后,这些手稿被公开拍卖。

    They went under the hammer on tuesday , days after the200th anniversary of his coronation as emperor .

  14. 大型收购公司有各种各样的理由,使它们希望在收购大型企业时避开竞争激烈的公开拍卖。

    Large buy-out firms have all kinds of reasons to want to avoid hotly contested auctions for big companies .

  15. 第1号在市场上公开拍卖的土地,房地产经纪人谁领导了激烈战斗。

    No.1 in the market for public auction of land , real estate agent who led the fierce battle .

  16. 当然,如果外国投资者获得的是国有企业,国家资产监督管理委员会的核准和公开拍卖程序是适用的。

    Of course , if the foreign investors acquire a state-owned enterprise , the approval from SASAC and public auction might apply .

  17. 如果只有少数几家公司参与,而且通常不需公开拍卖,那么回报应该会更高些。

    If only a few firms participate in such consortium deals , often without facing an auction , the returns should be higher .

  18. 今年8月,一辆法拉利汽车在公开拍卖会上以史无前例的高价成交,凸显了其超豪华品牌的地位。

    In August , the Ferrari underscored super-luxury status when one of its cars became the most expensive sold at a public auction .

  19. 因此,如果一家企业的公开拍卖只吸引了一两份投标,或者根本就没有进行公开拍卖,那对收购一方是有利的。

    So it helps when an auction for a company draws out only one or two bids , or there is no auction .

  20. 72岁的艺术家崔如琢再次荣登最畅销中国在世艺术家榜榜首,其作品在去年的公开拍卖中卖出了1.2亿美元。

    Seventy-two-year-old artist Cui Ruzhuo once again topped the list of the Best-Selling Living Chinese Artists with sales at public auctions last year reaching 120 million dollars .

  21. 去年,1856年发行的英属圭亚那1分洋红邮票在拍卖会上以560万英镑的天价成交,创下公开拍卖邮票的新纪录。

    Last year a new record was set for a public stamp sale when an 1856 British Guiana 1 cent magenta sold for £ 5.6m at auction .

  22. 今天随着住宅市场开始进入市场化,土地公开拍卖,过去的巧取豪夺很难继续获得优势。

    Today , the market has begun to enter the market with residential land auction in the past it was difficult to continue to receive the business advantages .

  23. 这三幅被喻为酷似抽象派作品的蛋彩画下月将在伯罕斯拍卖行公开拍卖。据预计,拍卖收入将高达1130到1500美元。

    The collection of three tempera on paper paintings described as resembling abstract artworks are expected to fetch between $ 1,130 and $ 1,500 next month at sale .

  24. 对于上交的公务车辆实行公开拍卖,不允许内部拍卖、转让,以免造成国有资产流失。

    Auction the hand over official business cars publicly . Forbid the auction in the dark or transfer , so as to avoid the loss of state assets .

  25. 萍乡钢铁有限责任公司原隶属江西冶金公司,于2003年7月通过公开拍卖,萍钢公司成为由深圳飞尚集团、安徽芜湖恒鑫和原公司员工组成联合体三方控股的股份制企业。

    Steel Co. Ltd. of Pingxiang had belonged to the metallurgical company of Jiangxi , which was Public auctioned in July of 2003 , The company becomes a share-holding enterprise .

  26. 大门上面和挂在窗子上的挂毯上面都贴了招租广告,说明这所宅邸的一切家具等物都将于下个星期进行公开拍卖。

    There were printed bills on the gate , and on bits of carpet hanging out of the windows , announcing a sale by auction of the Household Furniture and Effects , next week .

  27. 在拍卖机制下,从交易效率与收益分配两个方面比较分析了密封拍卖与公开拍卖以及一次拍卖与重复拍卖,发现公开、重复拍卖对于并购交易更为合适。

    In auction mechanism , I compared sealed auction , opened auction , one-shot auction and repeated auction from deal efficiency and returns . I found that the opened and repeated auction suited for merger and acquisition .

  28. 由一位神秘人物精心装扮的一个“蓝精灵”巨人将于10月23日——“蓝精灵”50岁生日当天公开拍卖,拍卖所得将捐给联合国儿童基金会。

    A much larger Smurf statue , decorated by an unnamed celebrity , will be auctioned off on October 23 , the 50th birthday date , with the proceeds also going to the UN 's children 's fund .

  29. 初始排污权的公开拍卖和标价出售这种有偿分配方式在实践中遇到阻力的情况下,学术界和实践中均认为免费分配更具有可操作性,但免费分配需要有一个参照基础或依据。

    In the condition that the auction and pricing selling of the initial tradable emission permits have obstacle in practice , it is deemed that free allocation of initial tradable emission permits has operation in academia and practice .

  30. 一件画作可能在公开拍卖会上以一亿多美元成交,但是卖家、担保人、外部竞价人以及最终买家的身份依然不得而知。

    A painting might sell at a public auction for more than $ 100 million , and the identities of the seller , the guarantor , the external bidders and the final buyer will remain cloaked in confidentiality .