
  • 网络Apartment;condominium;Apartment house
  1. 公寓式住宅与公寓式办公消防设计存在的问题

    Existing problems in fire-protection design of apartment house and apartment office

  2. 日本公寓式住宅设计的借鉴意义

    The Merit in the Design of Japanese Style Apartment

  3. 提高公寓式住宅集中供热系统热利用效率的应用研究

    Study on the Application of Heating Efficiency in District Heating System

  4. 只要通过适当培训,马上可以成为军队专业技术军官。军官公寓式住宅内部空间构成研究

    They would become professional technology officer by training . Study on Interior Space Constitution of Military Officer Apartment

  5. 从1985年开始,公寓式的住宅样式第一次在中国大量涌现,配有完善的服务和特殊功能的房间,形成了现代居住方式。

    Since 1985 , a new apartment-style residential style , which comprised of a consummate service and some special features in the room , formed a modern way to live , emerged into Chinese real state market .

  6. 对高档公寓以及酒店式住宅的需求也一直十分强劲。

    And then the demand for these apartments or even serviced apartments is really [ in ] strong demand .

  7. 住宅同样也包含各种层次,比如普通住宅、公寓、公寓式住宅、连排别墅、别墅等等。

    Residential also includes various levels , such as ordinary residential , apartments , residential apartments , and even Pai villas , villas , and so on .

  8. 美国城市化初期的贫民住宅&哑铃公寓一种可视为一个家庭的居住方式,如:由一个或多个人居住的公寓或独立式住宅。

    Dumbbell Tenement : For Low-income City Residents During the Earlier Urbanization in America An identifiable housing unit , such as an apartment or house , occupied by one or more persons .