
cè lánɡ
  • aisle;side porch
  1. 我父亲增加了一个侧房,并圈了一个侧廊。

    My father added an ell and enclosed a side porch .

  2. 展览位于普拉多博物馆的一条侧廊内,将持续到今年6月28日。在走廊附近的一个屋子里,陈列着此次展览另一幅展品的原作,即列奥纳多·达·芬奇(LeonardodaVinci)的学生所作的《蒙娜丽莎》。

    The show , which runs through June 28 , occupies a side passage of the museum , near a room that contains an original of another work copied for the blind : a version of the Mona Lisa by a pupil of Leonardo da Vinci .

  3. 手册说到侧廊了吗

    Does it say anything about the side aisles ?

  4. 加德纳街上,十字形耶稣会教堂的侧廊几乎水泄不通。

    The transept of the Jesuit Church in Gardiner Street was almost full .

  5. 侧廊是十四世纪

    The side aisles were added in the 14th Century

  6. 我在诗人角消磨了一些时候,这个墓区只占据了教堂十字形侧廊的一端。

    I passed some time in Poet 's Corner , which occupies an end of one of the transepts or cross aisles of the abbey .

  7. 船闸侧墙廊道支管特性及布置研究

    Research on the Layout and Property of the port of Side Wall Culvert in Locks

  8. 为此,小浪底水库工程采用事故门止水布置在闸门上游侧,廊道充水平压等措施解决泄洪洞群闸门前泥沙淤积问题。

    For this reason , measures of installing the sealing material in the upstream side of the gate and filling water to equalize the pressure in the gallery were taken to solve the sediment deposit before the gates of flood-releasing tunnels .