
  • 网络proscenium;Apron;proscenium arch
  1. 用钢牛腿扩大舞台台口

    Enlarging proscenium arch with steel corbels

  2. 观众对从台口侧墙来的前次反射声有影响,衰减约6dB;

    The early-reflected sound from side walls of proscenium over audience attenuated about 6 dB ;

  3. 大跨度箱形台口转换梁结构分析与工程应用

    Research of Design and Construction Method of Box Beam with Huge Span

  4. 我们在欧洲走台口&山西省京剧院欧洲演出纪行

    On European Stage Shanxi Peking Opera Theater Performs in Europe

  5. 超高大跨凌空台口梁模板及支撑的设计计算

    The Design and Calculation of The Form and Support of Superhigh and Large Span Suspended Beam

  6. 通过对台口梁支撑系统拆除时的挠度监测,保证了支撑体系在拆除时的安全性。

    By monitoring the deflection of the beam when dismantle the frame system , the safety of the beam is guaranteed .