
  • 网络Taipei Veterans General Hospital
  1. 蜜西是个有照护士。她很幸运地能在台北荣民总医院的产房工作。

    Missy is a registered nurse , and she is fortunate enough to work in the maternity ward of veteran 's general hospital in taipei .

  2. 台北荣民总医院首席研究员艾米丽陈(英文名),在佛罗里达州举行的美国心脏协会科学会议上发布了这一发现,她说:“一年至少洗牙一次的人更明显不易罹患心脏病和中风。”

    Lead researcher Emily Chen from the Veterans General Hospital in Taipei , who presented the findings at the American Heart Association 's scientific sessions conference in Florida , said : " Protection from heart disease and stroke was more pronounced in participants who got tooth scaling at least once a year . "