
tái shàn
  • desk fan;table electric fan
台扇 [tái shàn]
  • [table electric fan] 适于放在桌几上的个体较小的有座电扇

台扇[tái shàn]
  1. 两种新产品不仅有台扇的旋转和倾斜能力,还有与远程控制,可以调整输出强度,打开或关闭旋转功能。

    Both models have the same rotating and tilting capabilities as the desk fan , but also come with a remote control that can adjust the strength of its output and turn on or off the rotation function .

  2. 想较小的台扇,AM02和AM03将会让您的钱包大吐血。

    Like the smaller desk editions , the AM02 and AM03 are going to hurt your wallet .