
  • 网络mechanism;corporate governance mechanism;corporate governance
  1. 投资者之间的利益冲突和公司治理机制的整合

    The Conflicts of Interest among Investors and Integration of Corporate Governance Mechanisms

  2. 公司治理机制对信息披露有着重要的影响。

    The corporate governance mechanisms have an important influence on disclosure of information .

  3. CEO更替是董事会做出的最重要决策之一,目前是公司治理机制与治理结构研究的核心课题。

    CEO turnover is one of the most important decisions by board of directors . It is also a core issue in the field of corporate governance .

  4. 最后针对上述研究结果,提出了加强ST上市公司治理机制、监管机制、规范摘帽机制和加强审计风险识别等建议。

    Finally , the above findings , the ST listed companies to strengthen governance mechanisms , regulatory mechanisms that regulate uncap mechanism and the strengthening of audit risk identification and so on .

  5. 以Schmidt对金融体系的定义将金融体系分为金融机构权重、融资结构和公司治理机制三个组成部分,并对欧盟14国的金融体系进行量化,最终以分类指标表示。

    According to Schmidt 's definition , financial system is composed of Financial Sector , Financial Pattern and Corporate Governance . After the numeralization of the national financial systems of 14 EU countries , Category Index is defined as the indicator of national financial systems .

  6. 国外水电开发企业公司治理机制研究

    Research on company management system of hydropower enterprises in foreign countries

  7. 论中国农村信用社公司治理机制的完善

    On Improving the Corporate Governance Mechanisms of Chinese Rural Credit Cooperatives

  8. 银行介入公司治理机制研究

    A Research on Mechanism of Banks Involving in Corporate Governance

  9. 公司治理机制选择的权变性分析

    The Selection of Corporate Governance Mechanism : A Contingency Analysis

  10. 公司治理机制与效率分析

    An Analysis on the Mechanism and Efficiency of Corporate Governance

  11. 委托代理冲突、公司治理机制与上市公司盈余管理

    Principal-agency Conflicts , Corporate Governance and the Earnings Management of Listed Companies

  12. 企业控制权的配置是公司治理机制的核心和关键。

    Collocation of corporate controlling rights is core of corporate governance mechanism .

  13. 公司治理机制与财务业绩:效率还是盈利

    Corporate Governance and Financial Performance : Efficiency or Profitability

  14. 为了减少委托代理成本,人们发展了一系列的公司治理机制。

    People have developed all kinds of mechanisms to reduce the agency costs .

  15. 股权结构通过对公司治理机制的影响,最终会影响到企业的绩效。

    Ownership structure affects performance by corporate governance mechanisms .

  16. 公司治理机制对信息技术投入的影响研究

    A Study on the Effects of Corporate Governance on Firm 's Information Technology Input

  17. 合理有效的股权结构可以通过优化公司治理机制来实现公司绩效的最大化。

    Reasonable and effective ownership structure can maximize corporate performance through optimized governance mechanism .

  18. 实证检验了资产专用性和公司治理机制对上市公司价值的共同影响。

    Empirical inspect the combined effect of asset specificity and corporate governance on listed companies .

  19. 内部控制框架与公司治理机制的关系是内部管理监控系统与制度环境的关系。

    With the implementation of corporate governance system , the purpose of internal control diversifies .

  20. 家族公司治理机制的内在缺陷与引入外部董事的作用

    The Function of Outsider - directors and the Inherent Defects of Family Companies Governance Mechanism

  21. 会计信息机制内生于公司治理机制。

    The mechanism of accounting information is produced internally from the mechanism of corporate governance .

  22. 在这些舞弊事件背后,往往是因为公司治理机制出现了问题。

    Those behind the fraud , because there is a problem in corporate governance mechanisms .

  23. 上市公司治理机制中的债权人问题研究

    A Study on the Problem of Creditor in the Management Mechanism of the Listed Company

  24. 公司治理机制研究

    The Research about Company Management Mechanism

  25. 结果表明,公司治理机制在这其中起到了非常关键的作用。

    The results indicate that corporate governance mechanism has become a key point among these factors .

  26. 基于利益相关者权益的水电开发企业公司治理机制研究

    Researches on corporation management mechanism for hydropower development enterprises based on rights and interests of stakeholders

  27. 另一方面,有效的公司治理机制能够有助于提高会计信息质量。

    On the other side , effective corporate governance could be good at improvement of informativeness .

  28. 投资者保护对公司治理机制影响的实证研究&基于制度执行的角度

    Effect of Investor Protection on Corporate Governance in China & Based on Perspective in System Execution

  29. 建立健全的公司治理机制是现代公司制度的核心之一。

    It is the core of modern enterprise system to establish a perfect corporate governance system .

  30. 我国资本市场中的委托代理关系分析&兼论完善国有上市公司治理机制

    Analysis of Principal-agent Relations in the Capital Market of China & and Completion of Corporate Governance Mechanisms