
ɡōnɡ sī fēn lì
  • corporate separation
  1. 科文计划帮大公司分立出一些小型企业。

    Corven plans to help large companies spin out smaller , entrepreneurial firms .

  2. 直至2010年3月10日,ST东北高(600003)分立上市,成为我国A股市场首例完整上市资产采用分立手段再分别上市的案例,至此,公司分立在我国算是开了先河。

    On 10th March , 2010 , ST Dong Bei Gao ( 600003 ) was listed in division . This is the first case of complete asset being listed division . Till then , the corporate division starts in China .

  3. 董事会同意了公司分立。

    The division of the company was approved by the board .

  4. 公司分立可以采取存续分立和解散分立两种形式。

    Splitting may take the forms of split-off and split-up .

  5. 公司分立是在急剧变化的市场结构中为强化企业竞争力而调整公司结构的制度之一。

    Corporation division is one of the system to adjust company structure .

  6. 公司分立或者合并;

    Division or merger of the insurance company ;

  7. 公司分立是企业重组的重要形式之一。

    The corporate division is one of the most important forms of enterprise restructuring .

  8. 公司分立的实践中两大价值的冲突和对立是根本课题之一。

    The conflict between two values are the most important subject in practice of corporation division .

  9. 但是相比之下,公司分立手段在我国的发展非常不成熟。

    In contrast , the development of the method of " division " is very immature .

  10. 公司分立的实质是公司产权结构的重新调整,资产的重新划分。

    Company 's discrete essence is the revitalization of company 's property right structure , repartition of the assets .

  11. 公司分立中小股东保护的若干法律问题研究

    Research on the Several Legal Problems of Protecting the Medium and Small Shareholders in the Separation of a Company

  12. 公司分立制度如此现实的必要性,在中国公司法的实践中,实际应用的事例比较少。

    Without regard to necessity of such reality , corporate division law was rarely used in the real practice .

  13. 公司分立时,应当编制资产负债表及财产清单。

    At the time a company is divided , the company shall prepare a balance sheet and an inventory of property .

  14. 公司分立前的债务按所达成的协议由分立后的公司承担。

    Debts of the company prior to division are assumed by the post-division companies in accordance with the agreements entered into .

  15. 本文认为,小股东权益的保护及债权人利益的保护直接关系到公司分立目的的实现程度。

    It is maintained that the fulfillment of the objective of corporate division relates directly to the proper handling of the above issue .

  16. 公司分立是公司适应经济环境变迁,提升企业竞争力而进行公司重组的重要方式。

    Corporate division is an important way for corporations to reorganize themselves with the change of economic environment and the intensification of competition .

  17. 并就我国有关救济渠道的过于单一性,提出了强制股权收购和强制公司分立两种替代性救济措施。

    According to our excessive uniqueness for judicial relief , this paper proposes mandatory equity acquisitions and mandatory separation system as two alternative remedies .

  18. 鉴于公司分立发挥的重要作用,越来越多国家和地区的立法对公司分立进行了规制。

    In consideration of the important role of corporate division , an increasingly number of countries and regions have established laws to regulate corporate division .

  19. 首先,本论文是为了探讨公司分立是同合并或其他公司法中的制度不同的具有独立体系的法制。

    Firstly , this thesis is to probe that corporate division is a law system which is different from amalgamation or other institution and own its dependent law system .

  20. 进而从小股东权益保护的法理依据、小股东与大股东之间的利益冲突角度,尤其是公司分立情形下,小股东权益受到的巨大侵害、世界立法趋势等角度阐述了小股东权益保护的必要性。

    Minority shareholders interests conflicts with majority shareholders . Especially in the corporate division cases , minority shareholders suffer from aggression enormously . It has tendency to protect the interests of minority shareholders .

  21. 其二是在司法解散之外,引入其他司法救济方式,主要有强制股权置换制度、强制公司分立制度、引入临时管理人制度等。

    The second is the judicial dissolution , the introduction of other judicial remedies , there are mandatory share exchange system , compulsory separation system , the introduction of the system of provisional administrator .

  22. 在公司分立中,分立公司的债权人利益很容易受损,如何保护债权人的利益,是公司分立制度中最重要的问题之一。

    The creditors ' interests are easy to be impaired in the process of company division , so how to protect them is one of the most important problems about the legal system of company division .

  23. 公司分立是指公司根据法律规定或合同约定,不经过清算程序,分成两个或两个以上公司的一种企业重组模式。

    Corporate division denotes a kind of reorganization pattern whereby a company , without having to go through liquidation proceedings , is divided into two or more companies by way of contract or through operation of law .

  24. 虽然东北高速分立上市的实践的可复制性还值得讨论,但是其可以为一般公司分立及将来其他上市公司分立上市提供一定的理论依据和借鉴。

    On the other hand , we can enrich the theory of discrete listed . Although the copy of the Northeast Expressway listed practice is worth discussing , but it can provide certain theoretical basis and reference for other companies .

  25. 但我国现行立法在对公司分立中的股东利益和债权人利益保护的同时,对劳动者权利却关注不够,存在许多制度性缺陷,亟待加以充实与完善。

    But when protecting the benefits of the shareholder and the creditor , the present legislation in our country gives its attention to laborer ' rights inadequately , and has a lot of system defects to be substantiated and perfected urgently .

  26. 文章首先对公司分立制度进行简要概述,其后利用比较分析法,从公司分立类型、程序和法律效果三个方面,对两岸公司分立制度进行比较研究。

    The thesis start with an overview of corporate division , and then by using the method of comparison , makes a comparative study on corporate division system of the cross-strait from the aspect of corporate division type , procedure and legal effect .

  27. 而要将股权设计为一种出资形式,就必须明晰股权出资与股权转让、转投资、循环持股、公司分立、公司收购等相关法律制度的关系。

    Now that the scope of contribution form would be enriched and stock-rights would be regarded as a contribution form , so the relationship between such contribution and relevant legal schemes as stock-rights transfer , reinvestment , circulating ownership of stock , separation and acquisition of companies must be articulated .

  28. 但是公司的分立、合并不存在这个问题。

    But the schism of the company , close to be not put in this problem .

  29. 因此,保险公司的分立、合并一般不会给被保险人带来损害。

    Accordingly , amalgamative and the schism of insurance company , general won 't bring to insurant damage .

  30. 不清偿债务或者不提供相应的担保的,公司不得分立。

    A company which does not repay its debts or provide corresponding guarantees for such debts may not be divided .