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rù huà
  • picturesque;suitable for a painting
入画 [rù huà]
  • [suitable for a painting] 纳入画中,形容景色的美丽

  • 小山村的一草一木都可入画

入画[rù huà]
  1. 在画而中,描绘出一种入画的运动效果。

    In the picture , depicting a picturesque movement effect .

  2. 在绘画中他本着以诗入画,师法自然的观点去画。

    In the painting in his spirit of " poem picturesque , imitate the nature " point of view to paint .

  3. 黄山山景,处处可以入画。

    Every bit of Huangshan Mountain scenery is worth painting .

  4. 文人画引书入画之利弊

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Calligraphy into Scholars ' Paintings

  5. 她想使自己显得美艳入画,结果却叫人感到她衣冠不整。

    She tried to look picturesque , but only succeeded in being untidy .

  6. 引书入画对文人画的成熟发展有利有弊。

    It plays an active role in scholars paintings .

  7. 北宋书画形式的融合及以书入画的影响

    The Integration of the Book and Painting and Its impact in Northern Song Dynasty

  8. 作画时很难将正确的色调和明暗入画。

    It 's difficult to get the right tone and shading in a painting .

  9. 作为一个画家,他癖好以一本正经的人物入画,表现他们猛然摆脱繁文缛节后的形象。

    As a painter , he showed a penchant for formal figures suddenly released from all constraints .

  10. 他又独创“折枝”法,择取花草中最美的部分入画。

    He founded " segmentation method " and selected the most beautiful parts of flowers or plants for drawing .

  11. 多年来,塞尚对于埃斯塔克无法入画的片段视而不见。

    For years , C é zanne had ignored the parts of L'Estaque that he didn 't want to paint .

  12. 这里的山、海、渔村、渔民后来都成了他入画的题材。

    The hill , the sea , the village , the fisherman and fisherwoman , are all materials for his painting .

  13. 元代以后,则更加重视吸取书法用笔入画,丰富了绘画的表现技巧。

    After the Yuan Dynasty , the calligraphy pen to draw more attention to art , enriched the performance of painting techniques .

  14. 有人谈到毕加索时说:“他喜欢每一个题材,对他来说,任何事物都可入画。”

    Someone said of picasso ," he is in love with every subject and to him , everything is a subject . "

  15. 诗书入画极大地丰富了中国画的内容与形式,增强了中国画的艺术表现力,深化了绘画的意境与审美内涵。

    It greatly enriches the contents and forms of Chinese painting strengthens its expressive force and deepens its artistic conception and aesthetic connotation .

  16. 在笔墨的运用上,他讲究以书法笔法入画,注重笔墨之间的对立统一关系。

    He paid attention to go into a painting by means of calligraphy style , and the opposition and uniform relation of pen and ink .

  17. 一位衣冠不整的小伙子出来招呼他进去,领他进了一间客厅。她想使自己显得美艳入画,结果却叫人感到她衣冠不整。

    An untidy lad let him in and took him into a drawing-room . She tried to look picturesque , but only succeeded in being untidy .

  18. 对于文入画的精神渊源,也有待于从历史、政治和哲学等角度作进一步考量。

    Special consideration should be made of the spiritual origin of Chinese scholar painting from the perspectives of history , politics , philosophy and so on .

  19. 只不过虚谷精通儒道文化,以禅入画,画面冷隽令人气静,意境高远,不易模仿。

    But Xu Gu proficient Confucian culture in order to Zen art , but the screen Cold-Jun order popular quiet , mood lofty and difficult to imitate .

  20. 该画派在绘画上最显著的特点就是能够以金石笔法入画,画面有浓郁的金石之气。

    The most distinctive feature of this school is that they integrate epigraphic strokes in painting , and the pictures take on a rich sense of epigraphy .

  21. 黑与白是色彩的极至,以黑白入画,以黑白入情,更以黑白入理。

    Black and white is the color of the extreme , black and white art , black and white and fair , even in black and white and reasonable .

  22. 因有以禅入诗、入画的传统,中国历史上出现了为数众多的诗僧、画僧、诗画僧。

    With the tradition of putting Zen into poetry and paintings , in Chinese history , there occurred a multitude of Buddhist monk-poets , monk painters and monk poet-painters .

  23. 文人雅士以茶入画、入书、入诗,故茶画、茶书、茶诗等艺术作品多不胜举。

    Literati tea art , into the book into the poem , so the tea painting , tea books , tea poems and other works of art too numerous to cite .

  24. 文入画在两宋时期获得了长足发展,这与当时的政治环境、社会背景、哲学思潮有着很大的关系。

    The scholar drew and won considerable development in two Song , there are very great relations with political environment , the social background , philosophy ideological trend at that time in this .

  25. 本文认为中国人很早就重视面的概念,比如老子的万物负阴而抱阳点、面入画的面观念。

    This paper believes that Chinese people have long attention to the concept of the surface , such as Lao Tzu " Everything negative yin yang " point , plane faces picturesque idea .

  26. 以诗入画&从郭熙《早春图》看宋代画院绘画的审美特质在这一时期的文献中,已经有了关于绘画的理论论述和绘画记载。

    Poetry Containing Painting : On Aesthetic Spirit of Academy of Painting in Song Dynasty from Guo Xi s Painting of " Early Spring "; Written theories on painting first appeared during the Warring States Period .

  27. 诗书入画、佛道思想和人文精神传统的注入使湖州竹派达到了一定的文化高度,从而具有了一种超越绘画的文化意义。

    The injection of the Confucian classics , Buddhism and Taoism , and humane spiritual tradition has made Huzhou bamboo school reach a cultural height to a degree , hence bearing a cultural meaning of surpassing painting .

  28. 文人画是中国绘画研究中的一个重要概念,也是一个模糊不确定的概念,它具有重视笔墨趣味,体现文人情趣,诗书画印结合,以书法入画等特征。

    " literati painting " is the study of Chinese painting an important concept is a vague concept of uncertainty , it is interesting to ink reflected civilian life , and poetry works in conjunction with India to calligraphy picturesque characteristics of the population .

  29. 中唐的王维以禅入画而作破墨山水,对以后中国山水画的发展产生了重要影响。

    Wang Wei , a painter in the Mid - Tang Dynasty , introduced Dhyana into his painting and created his " landscape ink - painting " , which had had an important effect on the development of the Chinese landscape ink - painting .