
  • 网络bond investors;debt investors
  1. Cerberus曾预计,一旦克莱斯勒实现私有化,从而退出公众的视野,那么它可能会成长为更小但更强的公司,找到债券投资者帮助他们做到这点并不困难。

    Cerberus expected that once Chrysler was private and outside the public glare it could build a smaller , stronger company , and it wouldn 't be difficult to find debt investors to help them do so .

  2. 由于当前这场金融危机,债券投资者已经对从信贷评级到银行资产负债表上资产的价值等所有东西都失去了信心。

    The financial crisis already has shaken the confidence of debt investors in everything from ratings to asset values on bank balance sheets .

  3. bis上周按照对国外主权债券投资者的依赖度,对西方国家进行了排名。

    The BIS last week ranked western countries by their dependence on non-domestic sovereign bond investors .

  4. 债券投资者押注美国利率将保持在接近历史低点的水平,此前美联储(FederalReserve)本周会议释放出的混合信号突显了该央行与市场预期之间持续存在的差距。

    Bond investors are betting that US interest rates will remain near historic lows following mixed signals from the Federal Reserve , highlighting a persistent gulf in expectations between the central bank and markets .

  5. 对债券投资者而言,TIC报告中一项极为重要的数据是每个月外国政府对美国国债的投资额。

    One TIC data set of particular interest to bond players is just how great the investment in US government securities by foreign governments is each month .

  6. 上周,英国投行巴克莱资本(BarclaysCapital)发表了对日本债券投资者一历时很长的调查的最新部分。该调查试图确定这些投资者对美元及欧元债券的态度。

    Last week Barclays Capital , the British investment bank , produced the latest part of a long-running survey of Japanese bond investors , which tries to determine attitudes towards dollar and euro bonds .

  7. 在cds息差攀升之时,债券投资者并没有惶恐不安,而是变得愈发坚定;他们找不到明显的技术层面的原因,来认定是“尾巴在摇动狗”。

    Bond investors are made of sterner stuff than to panic when CDS spreads move higher and there are no obvious technical reasons to suppose the tail is wagging the dog .

  8. 众所周知,国际债券投资者近些年借给了中国企业几百亿美元的资金,而其中一些企业目前身处困境,特别是嘉汉林业(SinoForest)和中国森林(ChinaForestry)。

    It is well known that international bond investors have loaned tens of billions of dollars to Chinese companies in recent years and that some of those companies , notably Sino Forest and China Forestry , are now in distress .

  9. 他们称,因为许多银行被视为“大到不能倒”,它们的债券投资者预期不会承担任何损失,因而许多银行cds合约的利差在危机期间没有出现急剧上升。

    They argue that because banks were viewed as too big to fail , many of their CDS spreads failed to rise sharply in the crisis as bondholders did not expect to bear any losses .

  10. 很多资产管理公司包括全球最大债券投资者之一富兰克林邓普顿(FranklinTempleton)都表示,它们削减了英国国债市场的头寸,预期这种债券的收益率将攀升,英镑将走软。

    Many asset managers , including Franklin Templeton , one of the biggest bond investors in the world , say they have slashed their positions in the gilt market expecting yields to climb and sterling weaken .

  11. 而且债券投资者担心的不仅仅是通胀。

    And it is not just inflation that bond investors fear .

  12. 显然是因为大多数日本政府债券投资者都是日本人。

    Surely because most investors in Japanese government paper are Japanese .

  13. 亚洲的决策者们有资格用质疑的眼光观察外国债券投资者。

    Asian policymakers are entitled to look askance at foreign bondholders .

  14. 此外,它们的规模意味着债券投资者逃离的风险更大。

    Size also makes bond investors a greater flight risk .

  15. 上述两个概念对债券投资者来说是非常重要的。

    These two concepts are very important for fixed income bond investors .

  16. 信用违约互换:中国债券投资者的机遇

    CDS : Opportunity for bond investors in China ; investment in default

  17. 想象一个从上世纪60年代开始其职业生涯的债券投资者。

    Picture a bond investor who started his career in the 1960s .

  18. 债券投资者的选择:利率风险结构的阐述

    The Choice of Bond Investor : Expatiate on Risk Structure of Interest Rate

  19. 展望2020年乃至更远的未来,面临最艰难决定的可能是债券投资者。

    Bond investors probably face the toughest decisions looking into 2020 and beyond .

  20. 与此同时,债券投资者大量买入美国国债,远离风险高的投机性债券。

    Bond investors , meanwhile , have piled into Treasuries and fled speculative debt .

  21. 政府债券投资者们似乎在与经济衰退以及通货紧缩打赌。

    Government-bond investors seem to be betting on a combination of recession and deflation .

  22. 不过,英国政府宁愿如此也不愿冒另一种风险:即债券投资者逃离金边债券。

    However it preferred it to the alternative risk of bond investors fleeing from gilts .

  23. 对于一些债券投资者而言,国债收益率升高意味着麻烦来了。

    For some bond investors , notably PIMCO , the rise in yields spells trouble .

  24. 如果安石对前景的判断是正确的,那么新兴市场债券投资者将大大受益。

    If Ashmore has judged the scenario correctly , emerging market bond investors will profit handsomely .

  25. 今年夏季,加州有三个城市递交了破产申请,震动了债券投资者。

    Over the summer , bond investors were stunned when three California cities filed for bankruptcy .

  26. 该债券投资者在每季的重置日有权利将持有的债券转换成其他两种债券。

    The investors have the option to switch into the other two notes at each reset date .

  27. 一旦债券投资者出现退缩迹象,将迅速令金融市场其它领域感到胆寒。

    Signs of colder feet by bond investors will quickly send chills to other parts of the market .

  28. 2013年利率上升状况使得债券投资者遭受了近二十年来最严重的亏损。

    The rise in interest rates in 2013 left bond investors with their worst loss in nearly two decades .

  29. 债券投资者们最担心的是那些债台已经高筑还需要大规模举债的国家。

    Bond investors have worried most about countries with big borrowing needs adding to an already high stock of debt .

  30. 因此,股票投资者大可放心,债券投资者可接受4%左右的收益率。

    Hence equity investors can be relaxed and bond investors can live with yields of 4 per cent or so .