
  • 网络rhetorical device;figure of speech;rhetoric
  1. Paradox与antithesis是英文广告中常见的修辞手法,这两种修辞手法有助于实现广告的注意价值和记忆价值。

    Paradox and antithesis as common rhetorical devices in English advertisements are useful to realize noticing and memorizing values of an advertisement .

  2. 仿生与象征是家具形态中常用的修辞手法。

    Bionics and symbol are commonly rhetorical devices in furniture form .

  3. 谈大学英语教材中的修辞手法&以TheDayMotherCried一文为例

    On Rhetoric Technique in the Teaching Materials of College English & Take The Day Mother Cried As an Example

  4. 如TheDayMotherCried一文中使用了夸张、降格陈述等修辞手法,达到了形式与内容的完美统一。

    The rhetoric technique of exaggeration and excluding statements achieve the perfect unity of form and content in The Day Mother Cried .

  5. 汉字本体对修辞手法的构建&命名辞格探微英语辞格REPETITION与相关汉语修辞格的对比及其翻译

    Figures of Speech in Chinese Character Noumenon Construction ; Comparing English Figures of Speech-REPETITION with Chinese Corresponding Figures of Speech and their Translation

  6. 路德.金的著名演讲IHaveaDream为例,从词语的选择与使用、句式的变化与特点、具体修辞手法的运用三个方面分析了演讲文体的修辞风格。

    Based on I Have A Dream written by Martin Luther King , Jr , this paper analyses the rhetorical features in public speeches from sentence variety , and specific rhetorical device .

  7. 自Lakoff和Johnson(1980)提出概念隐喻以来,隐喻不再只被看作是一种修辞手法,而是一种人们普遍使用的认知手段和思维方式。

    Since Lakoff and Johnson ( 1980 ) proposed conceptual metaphor , metaphor is not only seen as a figurative means , but also a commonly used cognitive approach and thought pattern .

  8. 在HSK词表大纲中,有一类像熊猫雪花人参地球红领巾骨肉等通过修辞手法构词的词语。对于这类词语的研究,学术界已经发表了不少的文章。

    In the outline of HSK Vocabulary , there is a kind of words like Panda , snow , ginseng , earth , red scarf and so an , they are made up of rhetoric word-formation . academic interests have published many articles with regard to the issue .

  9. 英语谚语的修辞手法和翻译策略研究

    Brief Analysis of Rhetorical Figures and Translation Strategy in English Proverbs

  10. 委婉语是英语中的一个重要的修辞手法。

    Abstract : Euphemism is an important rhetorical device of English .

  11. 四是大胆的幻想、新奇的比喻及诸多修辞手法的运用。

    Bold fancy , novel metaphor and use of many rhetorics .

  12. 英语修辞手法连句成篇作用管窥

    English Rhetorical Devices and Effects of Connecting Sentences into a Text

  13. 服装词语中借代、比喻等修辞手法的使用比较普遍。

    Analogy and metonymy are more common used in dressing words .

  14. 仿拟是汉语广告中一种较为常见的修辞手法。

    Parody is a common rhetoric device in the Chinese advertisements .

  15. 而且不论是英语还是汉语都人量使用双关这一修辞手法。

    It is commonly employed in both English and Chinese rhetoric .

  16. 艾米莉·狄金森死亡诗修辞手法研究

    A Study of Rhetorical Devices in Death Poems of Emily Dickinson

  17. 双关修辞手法是广告语写作中的重要手法。

    The quibble is an important technique in advertising writing .

  18. 传统的隐喻研究把隐喻看作是一种修辞手法。

    Traditional metaphoric studies treat metaphor as a rhetoric device .

  19. 商业英语广告中修辞手法运用分析

    On the Use of Rhetorical Devices in Commercial English Advertisements

  20. 略谈《第一证书英语教程》中的一些修辞手法

    Some Figures of Speech in First Certificate in English Course

  21. 对偶是汉语传统的特有的修辞手法。

    Antithesis is a traditional and characteristic rhetoric figure of Chinese language .

  22. 浅析《21世纪大学实用英语》教材中的修辞手法

    On Rhetorical Methods in 21st Century Practical College English Textbooks

  23. 二晏在一些修辞手法的运用上也存在着相同与相异之处。

    Two Yan in some rhetorical practices also have many same points .

  24. 尽管无论在东方还是西方,隐喻研究都有着悠久的历史。但是传统隐喻理论仅仅将隐喻视为一种修辞手法,而忽视了其重要的认知功能。

    Traditional theories restrict the research of metaphor to a rhetorical vehicle .

  25. 第二部分对作者所运用到的一些修辞手法进行分析。

    The second part dissects the rhetorical methods used by the author .

  26. 语文不及格?正常!你骂人要用修辞手法吗?

    Chinese failed ? Normal ! You call names to use rhetoric ?

  27. 广告英语用词优美,句法洗练,修辞手法变化多端。

    Advertising English words beautiful , syntactic washs practice , rhetoric unstable .

  28. 广告英语的修辞手法及其促销作用

    Rhetorical Devices in English Advertising and Their Sales-Promotion Functions

  29. 英语谚语创作与修辞手法

    Figures of Speech in the Creation of English Proverbs

  30. 英语广告常用的修辞手法

    The Rhetorical Means of English Advertisement in Common Use