
  • 网络promotional price;promotion price;sale price
  1. 我们凤凰酒店公寓是老字号品牌,近期为了反馈客户,制定了新年促销价。

    Phoenix Masion is a time-honored brand , recent feedback from customers in order to develop the New Year promotional price .

  2. 之后若想继续使用,费用为59美元,可使用四个月,目前促销价为10美元。

    To continue using it after that costs $ 59 for four months . The company , which has offices in Israel and New York , is offering a temporary $ 10 promotional price .

  3. 先生,这已经是我们的促销价了。

    It is the promotion price , sir .

  4. 三十美元?是促销价吗?

    Thirty dollars ? Is it on sale ?

  5. 酒店年度的市场销售计划中应包括促销价的施行计划。

    Promotion and package should be planned as part of the hotel 's annual marketing plan .

  6. 不过这家航空公司以近乎荒谬的促销价卷土重来(从纽约飞到迪拜只用453美元?)。

    But the airline staged a comeback with almost absurd promotional rates from New York ( Dubai for $ 453 ?)

  7. 第二周,拿着这张推迟票,我以上周的促销价买到了我想要的潘婷。

    In the following week , with the rain-check , I bought the products at the last week 's promotion price .

  8. 去年末,罗瑞拉德推出了自己的非薄荷新港红色卷烟,在以促销价进行试销时,这个烟的销售非常强劲。

    Late last year , the company introduced its non-menthol Newport Red cigarette , which has seen strong sales in trials with promotional pricing .

  9. 根据本条的规定,进口货物的完税价格应依据计算价格确定。本宾馆促销优惠价根据客房供应情况而定。

    The customs value of imported goods under the provisions of this Article shall be based on a computed value . The promotional rates of this hotel are suBject to our room availaBility .

  10. 随件应附促销推广计划和策略,推广计划中必须包含执行促销价所需费用的预算。

    A detailed plan contained the budget of costs incurred for the promotion as well as the strategy should also be attached .