
  1. 论刑事侦查学基础理论唯理论特征

    On Rationalistic Characteristics of Basic Theory of Criminal Detection

  2. 应当重视对侦查学基础理论的研究

    On Attaching Importance to the Basic Theories Study in the Science of Investigation

  3. 经济犯罪案件侦查学基础理论论纲

    Basic Theories in Science of Economic Case Investigation

  4. 作为刑事侦查学基础理论的重要内容之一,刑事侦查目的论的研究具有十分重要的理论和现实意义。

    As an important component of the basic theory of criminal investigation , the research on the teleology of criminal investigation is of great theoretical and pragmatic significance .

  5. 对同一认定原理的价值定位关系到侦查学的基础理论研究乃至整个侦查学科自身的发展。

    Proper orientation of the theory of individualism is very significant for the research of the basic theory of criminal investigation , which also affects the development of criminal investigation .

  6. 同一认定原理是侦查学的特定基础理论。

    The theory of individualism is the specific basic theory of criminal investigation .

  7. 同一认定原理界说&侦查学的特定基础理论侦探将假扮为一乞丐。

    On Orientation of the Theory of Individualism ; The detective will appear in the person of beggar .

  8. 该理论既是侦查学学科的基础理论,同时还可以成为刑事诉讼法学研究的事实学基础的重要组成部分。

    This theory is on one side a fundamental theory for science of criminal investigation , and also an important constitutional part for science of fact in the research on science of criminal law on the other .

  9. 关于侦查权运行的研究,属于侦查学基础理论的范畴,涉及到侦查权的基本概念、性质,以及配置、运行、监督等一系列问题。

    The research on the operation of Criminal Investigation Authority , identifying the concept , nature , composing , operation and supervision of Criminal Investigation Authority , is the basic area of Criminal Investigation Theory .