- Imbalance between supply and demand;lack balance between demand and supply

Conclusions : Tissue oxygen imbalance exists in patients undergoing CABG procedure under the mild hypothermic CPB , although SO 2 is in the normal limits .
Arbour said the current food crisis stems from several factors including distortions in supply and demand and unfair trade policies .
A problem of supply and demand of water resource turns out to be a main factor restricting economic growth in Guizhou .
Demand exceeds supply on the organ market , and some people want to take organs from the bodies of animals , they would even like to harvest organs from human clones , this is a mistaken ethical concept .
Although this has the factor on system , but mainer is structure of supply and demand maladjusted .
Unreasonable , unlawful and unfair production factors ( labor , capital ) had led to the deterioration of income distribution , the imbalance structure between supply and demand and the low expectation of residents ' consumption in China . Then they resulted in the low consumption demand in China .