
gōng qiú
  • supply and demand
供求 [gōng qiú]
  • [supply and demand] 指商品的供给和需求

  • 供求平衡

供求[gōng qiú]
  1. 货币市场上的供求将大致持平。

    Supply and demand on the currency market will generally balance .

  2. 问题的核心是供求关系。

    The heart of the problem is supply and demand

  3. 价格受供求关系的影响。

    Prices change according to supply and demand .

  4. 供求均等。

    The supply is equal to the demand .

  5. 探讨了遵循供求规律,促进技术进步的途径

    Discussed follow pattern of demand , the way that stimulative technology progresses .

  6. 通过该中间件用户能够提取Web中的农产品供求信息,并以结构化的XML表示提取结果。

    With this middleware , users can extract the web information for supply and demand of agricultural products from the web . The extraction results can be expressed in XML which has a strict structure .

  7. 影响IPOs上市定位的因素包括市场环境、发行价、财务指标、股票供求关系、可操纵性、成长性预期等几个方面。

    Factors influencing on IPOs ′ pricing includes Market condition , issue price , financial ratios , stocks ′ supply and demand , maneuverability , growth anticipation and so on .

  8. 网站的功能方面,本文将单纯的企业提供商品信息,同B2B的功能相结合。另外,并提供了供求信息的RSS输出,便于访问者在RSSReader中接收网站的相关信息。

    In the function , this paper combined providing goods information with B2B . At the same time , it also provides RSS feed so that visits can aggregate all of news sources with RSS reader .

  9. 随着WTO后,中国保险市场更加放开,保险供求关系的根本性转变使团体保险直接面对全球化竞争。

    For the time of being an official member of WTO , the insurance market has opened to the world more . At the same time the radical change of the relation between insurance supply and demand has made group insurance face the global competition directly .

  10. 本文通过对CG公司煤资源采购供应的详细调研,并对国际国内的煤资源供求形势进行了分析,指出了CG公司实施供应链管理的必要性。

    This article through to the CG Corporation coal resources purchase supply detailed investigation and study , and has carried on the analysis to the international domestic coal resources supply and demand situation , had pointed out CG Corporation implements supplies the necessity which the chain manages .

  11. 基于供求均衡要求,根据商业银行的特点及其人力资源管理的特殊性,设计了一个商业银行人力资源管理的6P模式。

    In view of equilibrium requirement and the characteristics of commercial banks as well as special requirement of human resource management , a 6-P pattern is designed for human resource management of commercial banks .

  12. H-酸生产技术改进及市场供求

    The production technology reforming for H-acid and its demand in market

  13. 军人福利的供求均衡分析

    An analysis of supply and demand balance of armyman 's welfare

  14. 可持续发展:制度供求与政府责任

    On Sustainable Development : Institutional Supply and Demand with Government Duty

  15. 中国中小企业融资:供求、效率与机制分析

    Studies on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise ' Financing Problem in China

  16. 高等教育资源的供求分析

    An Analysis of the Faculty Resources in Higher Education in China

  17. 我国城市突发事件下银行业资金动员的供求研究

    Research on Monetary Mobilization of Banks in City Crisis in Our Country

  18. 兰州市主要动物性食品的供求趋势

    The Supply & Demand Tendency for Foods from Animals in Lanzhou City

  19. 广州市劳动力市场供求研究

    Research on the Supply & Demand of Guangzhou Labor Market

  20. 我国农药中间体的供求与发展趋势

    Supply and demand for pesticide intermediate and its developing tendency in China

  21. 第二章从供求关系理论出发,对税务代理市场供求两个方面进行理论分析。

    The second part is to analyze the supply and demand theory .

  22. 土地供求关系混乱。

    The relationship of land supply and demand is confusion .

  23. 构建人力资源供求体系缓解机务维修人才短缺困局

    Build HR Supply-Demand System to Relieve Shortage of Engineering and Maintenance Personnel

  24. 第二部分着重分析了中国培训市场的供求状况及特点、影响供求的因素及供求平衡分析。

    The second analyzes the supply and demand and major influential factors .

  25. 放不出与贷不到的矛盾&四川省南充市农村金融供求调查手记

    Investigation on Situation of Rural Finance in Nanchong , Sichuan

  26. 安康企业管理咨询市场供求分析

    Analysis on the Consulting - Market in Business - Management in Ankang

  27. 及时掌握市场的供求信息;

    Controling the supply and demand of market in time ;

  28. 有效供求理论与多市场非均衡模型

    Effective Supply Demand Theory and Multi Market Disequilibrium Model

  29. 工业增长、信贷供求和货币政策调整

    Industry Growth , Credit Supply-demand and Monetary Policy Adjustment

  30. 金融监管的供求分析

    Analysis of the Demand and Supply of Finance Regulation