
  • 网络All You Need Is Love;Love Is All You Need
  1. 你并不需要这个人类的实相,你只需要被我们爱。

    You do not need any of this human reality ; you only need to be loved by us .

  2. 我何时才能摆脱所有挂虑、所有恼人的担忧,和你共度生命中的每分每秒,向你证明,我只需要爱你,只需要想着向你诉说爱意时的幸福之感?

    When , free from all solicitude , all harassing care , shall I be able to pass all my time with you , having only to love you , and to think only of the happiness of so saying , and of proving it to you ?

  3. 可能你不需要全世界都爱你,你知道,可能你只需要一个人的爱。

    Maybe you don 't need the whole world to love you , you know , maybe you just need one person .