- 网络Volume specific concentration;volume by volume concentration

Sediment settling velocity ( wS ) has pronounced effect on the concentration ( Cv ) in the body of debris flow head .
Volume Specific Concentration and Mole Specific Concentration of Gas
Concentration of ammonia-methanol solution 15 % ( mol ); Volume Specific Concentration and Mole Specific Concentration of Gas
采用标准臭氧发生器标定的结果显示,在0 ̄50×10-9(体积比)的浓度范围内,化学发光的光子计数值与臭氧浓度之间的线性关系很好。
Calibrations showed good linear relationship between photon counts of PMT and concentration of ozone generated by standard ozone calibrator , up to 50 ppb ( parts per billion by volume ) .
The extraction of neutral proteinase by using a reversed micellar pHase to transport the enzyme from one aqueous aqueous to another , has been studied .