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shāng hài
  • damage;hurt;harm;injure;wound;abuse;ill;impair;detriment;prejudice;disservice;bully;mischief;molest;nip;bloodletting
伤害 [shāng hài]
  • (1) [hurt]∶使受伤

  • (2) [wound;injure;damage;prejudice]∶使在精神或感情上受损伤

  • 试图用冷嘲热讽去伤害他

  • 不要伤害他的自尊心

伤害[shāng hài]
  1. 他永远不会吓唬或伤害任何人。

    He would never frighten anyone or cause them any harm .

  2. 他一心想的就是不要让这男孩受到伤害。

    His only thought was to keep the boy from harm .

  3. 这没什么好玩的!可能有人会受到伤害。

    It 's not funny ! Someone could have been hurt .

  4. 奇怪的是没有更多的人受到伤害。

    It 's a wonder more people weren 't hurt .

  5. 对不起,我不是故意伤害你的。

    I 'm sorry , I didn 't mean to hurt you .

  6. 她不能相信他希望她受到伤害。

    She could not believe that he wished her harm .

  7. 一想到我可能伤害了她的感情,我就感到痛心。

    It tears me apart to think I might have hurt her feelings .

  8. 他那刻薄的话语使她感到深受伤害。

    She felt deeply wounded by his cruel remarks .

  9. 我并没有想伤害他的感情。

    I didn 't want to hurt his feelings .

  10. 我不是故意伤害你的感情。

    I didn 't mean to hurt your feelings .

  11. 他的这次经历似乎一点没有给他造成伤害。

    He seems none the worse for the experience .

  12. 从马莎的眼睛可以看出她的自尊受到了伤害。

    Martha 's hurt pride showed in her eyes .

  13. 他带着受伤害的神情看着她。

    He looked at her with a hurt expression .

  14. 我绝不会伤害你。

    I wouldn 't hurt you for the world .

  15. 他以伤害他人为乐。

    He gets his kicks from hurting other people .

  16. 可能会判处精神伤害赔偿。

    Damages may be awarded for emotional injury .

  17. 导弹落到了海里,没有导致任何伤害。

    The missile fell harmlessly into the sea .

  18. 他在这次事故中受到致命伤害。

    He received devastating injuries in the accident .

  19. 他起誓他没有伤害过她。

    He vowed he had not hurt her .

  20. 这次事故本来可能糟糕得多;所幸没有造成伤害。

    The accident could have been much worse ; luckily no harm was done .

  21. 社工组织保留有在家里可能遭受伤害的孩子名单。

    Social services keep lists of at-risk children .

  22. 她从来不会故意伤害任何人。

    She would never intentionally hurt anyone .

  23. 那根本不会伤害你。

    That won 't hurt you any .

  24. 那篇文章伤害了她的宗教感情。

    The article offended her religious sensibilities .

  25. 他永远不会伤害任何人。

    He would never harm anyone .

  26. 他无意伤害她。

    He intended her no harm .

  27. 她的自尊心受到了伤害。

    Her pride was hurt .

  28. 我不能说我很喜欢马克,但我并不愿他遭到伤害。

    I can 't say I like Mark very much , but I don 't wish him any harm .

  29. 众所周知,大量的氡会对人体造成伤害。

    Radon is known to be harmful to humans in large quantities

  30. 环境保护主义者将会密切关注对野生动物造成的伤害。

    Environmentalists will be on the watch for damage to wildlife .