
zhuǎn xiāo
  • Resale;buy goods in one area to sell in another
  1. 惠普将转销NET的统一通信网关作为支持微软统一通信的一个途径。

    HP will resell NET 's UC gateway as a way to support Microsoft UC .

  2. 为了在转销渠道中有效地采用按单加工,需要有力的e-business解决方案。

    To deploy build-to-order in the reseller channel effectively , you need a strong e-business solution .

  3. 被发现的转销货物包括2009年8月出现在新加坡的一批nk555香烟。

    The diversions discovered included a cargo of NK 555 that appeared in Singapore in August 2009 .

  4. 银行业“放款加转销”(originateanddistribute)模式的推广导致了信用风险持有者与监控及管理者的分离。

    The spreading of the " originate and distribute " banking model led to a separation of those holding credit risks from those monitoring and managing them .

  5. 加入PartnerWorld是很容易的,而且你可以确定你的公司的成员类型,比如咨询,集成,转销或者ISV。

    Joining PartnerWorld is easy , and you can specify your type of company membership , such as a consultant , integrator , reseller , or ISV .

  6. 去除转销商层的钱,并把省下的钱还给用户。

    Eliminate the reseller 's markup and pass the savings on to the customers .

  7. 施工企业如何把握合同预计损失准备的计提与转销核算

    How Architecture Enterprise to Calculate Record and Offset Allowance for Accrued Loss on Contract Correctly

  8. 使得天翔产品能在短时间内遍及全国并转销国外。

    Tianxiang Products can be made at short notice and resellers throughout the country abroad .

  9. 这份合同还允许疫苗捐赠给较贫穷国家或转销给其他欧洲国家。

    The contract also allows vaccines to be donated to poorer countries or redirected to other European nations .

  10. 不按规定提取转销坏账准备等。治理应收账款信息失真应对应收账款固有风险、控制风险和检查风险三方面加强防范。

    To improve the information distortion of accounts receivable , three aspects : self risk , controlling risk and checking risk should be on guard .

  11. 我们的哲理乃转销的理想哲理,即让各界人士能以低价格享有高品质的产品,并以低姿态赚取高收入。

    Our philosophy-to provide low price and high quality products , to keep a low profile while generating high income is ideal for direct selling .

  12. 除订阅外,收入来源还有介绍费、交易费、基于消费的定价、基于性能的定价、转销收益及收入分成。

    In addition to subscriptions , the revenue model includes referral fees , transaction fees , consumption-based pricing , performance-based pricing , reseller margin , and revenue sharing .

  13. 电子邮件和货运文件显示,这批香烟先转销至中国港口城市大连,随后又运往新加坡,最后抵达越南的海防港。

    E-mails and shipping documents show the cigarettes were first diverted to Dalian , a Chinese port , and then shipped on to Singapore before finally landing in Haiphong in Vietnam .

  14. 该公司成立于8年前,最初是一家国际通信线路容量转销商,目前通过其枢纽服务,帮助中国的电信运营商与国际同行互连。

    The company , which started eight years ago as a reseller of international line capacity , now helps to connect Chinese telecoms operators with their international counterparts through its hub service .

  15. 同时,按照账单标明的返还上期扣存分保保证金转销相关存入分保保证金。

    In the mean while , it shall write off the relevant deposited-in reinsurance guarantee according to the refund of the deposited-in reinsurance guarantee of the previous period as stated in the bill .

  16. 施工企业执行新《企业会计制度》和《施工企业会计核算办法》后,各年合同预计损失准备的计提、转销的核算是较难把握的内容之一。

    After Architecture enterprises carries out the new Enterprise Accounting System and Architecture Enterprise Accounting Practice Approach , it becomes one of most difficult content to calculate , record and offset allowance for accrued loss on contract every year .

  17. 如为净收益,可按照五年的期限平均转销,或者逐年弥补年度亏损,余额留待并入企业的清算收益。

    The net profit , if any , may be written off on an average in light of a five-year period , or be used to make up the annual loss , the balance may be incorporated into the enterprise 's clearing income .

  18. 因为平行进口行为本身一般不会侵犯知识产权,即使可能对知识产权造成侵害也往往发生在动态或转销过程中,而这就需要竞争法来规制了。

    The behavior of parallel importation itself may not infringe the intellectual property rights . The infringement of intellectual property rights always takes place the process of movement or reselling of goods . So the competition rules have effect in these processes to rule the unfair competition .

  19. 这笔欠帐不必再往下转,我们还是销掉算了。

    It 's no use carrying this debt forward ; we might as well write it off .