
  • 网络conversion formula;translation formulas
  1. 结果得到RC放电模型之间的转换公式。

    Results A conversion formula is obtained .

  2. 一个坐标转换公式的正确形式的证明

    The Proof of One Coordination Conversion Formula

  3. 一种车载GPS系统坐标转换公式及其应用

    A Vehicular GPS Coordinate Transform Formula and its Application

  4. 推导了GPS三维基线向量向大地坐标差直接转换公式,编制出相应的转换程序。

    In this paper , it is derived formules of transforming from GPS tri-dimensional baseline vector to geodetic coordinate differences , and the relevant computer program is worked out .

  5. 利用GNSS/IMU导航解到外方位元素的转换公式,建立了严格的IMU偏心角模型。

    According to the equations which transform the GNSS / IMU navigation result to photogrammetric exterior orientation elements the rigorous mathematical model of IMU misalignment angles is derived .

  6. 结论朱氏转换公式利用彩色多普勒测量的PD、PVa计算FPP是一个快速、可靠、便捷的方法,对临床动态监测FPP有非常重要意义。

    Conclusion FPP converted from PD and PVa by Zhu 's formula is a reliable , prompt and simple method , and it may be useful in dynamic monitoring FPP .

  7. 本文提出光学联合表象空间理论,得出了联合表象空间与矩阵光学中的联合表象空间(x,V)的对应关系式及联合表象空间的仿射变换矩与光学变换矩阵的转换公式。

    Theory of optical joint representation space is proposed . The corresponding relation between the optical joint representation space and the joint representation space ( x , V ) is obtained . The conversion of the mapping matrix in this space and optical transform matrix is also derived .

  8. 本文没有给出UTM转换公式,但是可从下面一节中给出的源代码中窥探一二,更多信息请参阅参考资料提供的链接。

    The UTM conversion formulas are not presented here , but the source code in the following section provides some light , and Resources has links to provide more information .

  9. 分析表明,基于传统应变转换公式的M-C模型用于估算疲劳寿命偏于保守。

    Analysis showed that the prediction life by using M-C model based on the traditional strain conversion equa-tion was quite conservative when axial strain amplitude was less than 5000 micro-strain .

  10. 分析了BurdekinCOD设计曲线的不足点,建立了由EPRI工程计算方法求原裂纹尖端张开位移的转换公式,藉以考查Burdekin设计曲线的保守程度。

    In this paper , the shortcomings in Burdekin COD design curve are analysed and the formula of transformation derived from EPRI 's engineering computation method for obtaining the original crack tip opening displacement is established .

  11. 该文给出了DVE中常用的坐标系统,地心坐标系、测地坐标系、拓扑坐标系、实体坐标系和欧拉角定义,并推导了它们之间的转换公式。

    This paper gives the definition of coordinate systems usually used in DVE , which are geocentric coordinate system , geodetic coordinate system , topology coordinate system , entity coordinate system and euler angle , then deduces the conversions among them .

  12. 本文讨论了Searle运算的逻辑特征,给出了交错式真值表,并用布尔逻辑的分析方法提出了Searle运算、与等的异或逻辑转换公式。

    The logical feature of Searle operations is discussed , an intricate truth table is given , and by using an analytic method of Boolean logic , a series of EXCLUSIVE-OR logical transforming formulas of Searle operations , , and , etc is presented .

  13. 三分量地震检波器的转换公式及误差分析

    Transform formula and error analysis of the 3 & d geophone

  14. 基于非线性平差模型的坐标转换公式

    Formula of Coordinate System Transformation Based on Nonlinear Adjustment Model

  15. 利用速度资料提供时深转换公式,并对研究区的岩性进行了预测。

    Used the velocity data to make the time-depth conversion and lithologic analysis .

  16. 用应变花测量大变形时的应变转换公式

    The Strain Formula in Measuring Large Deformation Using Rosettes

  17. 工程测量中的转换公式及其应用

    Transfer Formulae and Their Application in Engineering Survey

  18. 环形电场与非均匀磁场重叠场中能量分散形式的二级离子轨迹及其转换公式

    The second order trajectories and transfer formulae in crossed toroidal electric and inhomogeneous magnetic fields

  19. 给出了新的一般有限域上多值逻辑函数的线性谱定义,并对两类谱的转换公式做了进一步简化。

    A new definition of linear spectrum of multi-valued logical functions over finite field was proposed .

  20. 欧拉转换公式可以加速级数收敛

    Euler Conversion Formula Accelerates Progression Convergence

  21. 针对目前转换公式中存在的缺陷,建立新的更高效的数据转换公式。

    For the shortcomings of the formulas , we build a new more efficient data transform one .

  22. 提出了角度不同单位间的转换公式,同时也分析了出错的原因和解决的办法。

    This article points out the transformation formulae concerning different units and also poses the causes and solutions .

  23. 主要是利用平面波谱展开,推导了近远场转换公式;

    The near-field to far-field transform formula is deduce to obtain base on synthetic plane waves ( SPW ) .

  24. 复柔量-蠕变柔量和复模量-松弛模量转换公式的讨论

    Discussion on Transformation Formulas Between Complex Compliance and Creep Compliance , Complex Modulus and Relaxation Modulus in Linear Viscoelasticity

  25. 按照碎片拼合序列,结合匹配对的起止点信息和点坐标转换公式,实现了碎片的虚拟演示。

    According to the merging list and the coordinate transformation formula for points , virtural demonstrate on fragments merging is realized .

  26. 众所周知的原子弹所具有的无比威力的奥秘即在此物质转换公式。如果把此延伸一下变为设计创新的转换公式,又会有一种新的解释。

    If extend this into design innovation conversion formula once , which will be again have a kind of new hermeneutic .

  27. 确定了齿廓曲面拟合的控制点个数和坐标转换公式。

    The amount of control points is fixed and the formula of coordinate conversion is provided to match the tooth profile .

  28. 推导了坐标增量和速度在大地位置坐标系与空间直角坐标系间的转换公式。

    And then the transformation of coordinate increments and velocity between the geodetic coordinate system and the geodetic position coordinates is deduced .

  29. 首先给出色彩空间定义与转换公式,针对彩色空间一般的实现方法,提出一种改进的逻辑设计。

    Firstly , the definition of Color Space and the conversion equations are introduced , and an improved circuit architecture is presented .

  30. 每个阶段都提供自定义属性(例如,输入表名、列定义、转换公式,等等)。

    Each stage provides customizable properties ( for example , input table name , column definition , transformation formula , and so on ) .