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  • facsimile communication
  1. IPPHONE技术作为一种以IP网络为传输载体的语音和传真通信技术,在语音传输方面效率高、费用低。

    As one kind of voice and facsimile communication technology based on IP network , IP Phone technology possesses high transmission efficiency and low fee .

  2. 在分组交换数据网上开通传真通信的探讨

    Facsimile Communication over Packet Switched Data Network

  3. Internet中的传真通信及实现

    Fax Communication and its Realization via Internet

  4. Internet在世界范围内的飞速发展和IP通信低资费的优势,使得IP传真通信成为一种必然的发展趋势。

    The rapid development of the Internet and the low cost of IP communication , have made Facsimile over IP ( FoIP ) an inevitable trend .

  5. 基于NiosⅡ传真通信规程的分析与设计实现

    Fax communication protocols analysis and implementation based on Nios ⅱ

  6. 本论文初步构造了一个水声传真通信系统。完成了PC传真软件的设计和水声传真Modem的设计。

    This paper constructs an underwater acoustic Fax communication system and implements the design of PC Fax software and the design of underwater acoustic Fax modem .

  7. 远程诊断系统运用传真通信原理,利用公用电话网PSTN实现数据传输。

    The remote diagnosis system uses the PSTN to transmit data based on the Fax theory .

  8. 分析了实时IP传真通信过程中相关协议。主要包括:基于T。

    The protocols used in the Real-time FoIP communication are analyzed , and the main job includes : The communication procedures between the facsimile terminal and the gateway based on the recommendation T.

  9. 无线网络中的G3传真通信技术

    G3 FAX Technology Research Based on Wireless Network

  10. 实时IP传真通信是IP技术与传统传真通信技术相融合的产物,具有通信实时性强、接近传统传真的操作方式、资费低等诸多优点,应用前景广阔。

    Real-time FoIP ( Facsimile over IP ), born from the combined technology of IP and traditional facsimile communication , with the advantages of real time , easy operation , low cost and so on , has good prospect .

  11. 在对CDMA无线模拟传真通信系统解决方案分析的基础上,本文重点阐述CDMA无线模拟传真接入终端的软硬件设计和实现。

    On the basis of analysis about system solution of CDMA wireless analogy fax communication system , as the article key , the design and implementation of CDMA wireless analogy fax accessing terminal is elaborated on .

  12. 为了对传真通信的控制更加灵活,更好地适应复杂的无线环境,本文提出CDMA无线传真数据业务中的模拟传真业务的系统解决方案。

    In order to make the fax communication control more flexible and more adaptive to complex wireless environment , a system solution of analogy fax service of CDMA wireless fax data services is presented in the article .

  13. 为克服这个问题,国际电信联盟(ITU)为存储转发传真通信制定了T.37全模式标准。

    To remedy this problem , the International Telecommunications Union ( ITU ) created the T.37 full mode standard for store-and-forward fax communication .

  14. 实现了T.30协议规定的标准三类传真通信过程流程控制,完成各种命令与响应信号的生成与处理,完成HDLC帧的封装与校验,完成通信流程控制模块与信源编码数据和调制解调器数据接口的实现。

    Realizes procedures for standard G3 document facsimile transmission in the PSTN defined in T. 30 Recommendation , including the generating and processing varies of command and response signals , packaging and checking HDLC frames , and interface between coding data buffer and physical layer modem data buffer .

  15. 本文叙述了传真通信的现状和存在的问题,着重分析了在分组交换数据网(PSDN)上开通的传真通信,并引出了具有存储、转发传真报文功能的传真通信处理器(FCP);

    This paper describes the existing status and problems of our facsimile communications , and puts special stress on analysing facsimile communications over Packet Switched Data Network ( PSDN ) . A Facsimile Communication Processor ( FCP ) which has a message storage and delivery function is introduced .

  16. 文章分析了传真通信的基本规程和V.34建议,研究了高速传真通信的加密原理及技术难点,提出了两种采用V.34建议的高速传真通信加密方案:实时传输加密和存储传输加密。

    First , this essay analyzes the basic rules of communication and Recommendation V.34 . Then , it researches the high-speed facsimile encryption theory and technical difficulties . At last , it presents two means of encryption : the real time encryption and the store-and-forward encryption .

  17. 图像复原是传真通信系统的一项关键技术。

    Image restoration is a key technology in fax communication system .

  18. 一种新型传真通信卡的设计

    Design of A New Type Fax Communication Card

  19. 传真通信系统中的图像复原算法研究

    Study on Image Restoration in Fax Communication System

  20. 传真通信实现方式及其基本组成

    Faxes And Communications And Their Basic Constitutes

  21. 传真通信的发展及对策

    Development of FAX Communication and Policy

  22. 水下传真通信研究

    Research on Underwater Acoustic Fax Communication

  23. 单音检测技术是MONOFAX调制解调器中用于识别传真通信过程中单音标识信号的技术。

    This paper introduces the tone detection technique for Fax communication in a MONO FAX Modem .

  24. 将传真通信应用于水声领域,是一个比较新的研究课题。

    Underwater acoustic Fax communication is a new application of using Fax communication into underwater acoustic area .

  25. 该文的方案在实时传真通信系统中体现了很好的视觉效果。

    When being ap-plied to real time fax communication system , the solution embodies its good visual effect .

  26. 目前我国传真通信业务保持着较高的增长速度,然而国内科研机构在传真技术方面的研究却进展缓慢,企业使用的相关技术主要以国外引进为主,尤其是调制解调器芯片几乎被国外公司垄断。

    Nowadays facsimile operation keeps high speed of growth in our country , but research on fax technology hardly gets any progress .

  27. 本文的研究对象是传真通信网关,主要内容是传真通信网关的设计和功能实现,以及多路传真通信规程的设计。

    This paper 's main contents are the designment and functional achievement of Facsimile Gateway and the designment of multi-route facsimile communication procedures .

  28. 短波气象传真通信是利用扫描技术,通过光电设备的作用,把固定的图像、文字等转换成串行的电信号,然后利用短波通信技术,将原图像传送到其他地方。

    HF weather fax communications turns images and texts into serial electrical signals through the use of scanning technology , and make the original image transmission to other areas through the shortwave communication technology .

  29. 重点研究设计了多路传真通信规程,实时处理多个传真控制信号或者数据信息,这是传真网关的主要功能体现,也是课题研究的一个难点和创新点;

    Multi-route facsimile communication procedures are studied mainly and Facsimile Gateway can deal with more than one control signals or data simultaneously . It is one of the functions of Facsimile Gateway which is quite difficult and innovative .

  30. 简要介绍了传真通信的发展历程、现状和未来的发展趋势,并对传真系统及其各部分模块的功能进行了介绍和分析。

    The main work is as follows : ( 1 ) The development , actuality and future developing trend of the facsimile are introduced simply . The facsimile system and its modules ' functions are presented and analyzed .