
yōu huì quàn
  • coupon
  • courtesy card
优惠券 [yōu huì quàn]
  • [courtesy card] 给持券人的某种特殊权利的优待券(如赊购物品或享受客人的优惠)

  1. 把优惠券附在信的正面。

    Attach the coupon to the front of your letter .

  2. 持下面的优惠券到任意一家Tecno专卖店,只需付10.99英镑。

    Bring the coupon below to any Tecno store and pay just £ 10.99 .

  3. 这些优惠券将来购物均可使用。

    These vouchers are redeemable against any future purchase .

  4. 这张优惠券可以使你下次购物时打九折。

    This discount voucher entitles you to 10 % off your next purchase .

  5. 她经常从他们那里得到优惠券。

    She gets coupons from them regularly .

  6. 基于优惠券机制的TCP友好不等保护传输

    Coupon-Based TCP Friendly Unequal Protection Scheme for Delivering Streaming Applications over Internet

  7. 每当您建立优惠券,您的代销商ID会嵌入到优惠券当中。

    Whenever you create a coupon your affiliate ID is embedded within the coupon itself .

  8. 使用BedBathBeyond(美国一家主营家居用品及饰品的连锁零售商)的20%折扣优惠券时,这个小工具的价格是40美元&谁知道呢?

    With a 20-percent off coupon from Bed Bath Beyond , this tool costs $ 40 and & who knows ?

  9. 您也可以选择指定一个1到4个字符长以字母A至Z的优惠券后缀字串。

    You have the option to assign a1-4 character coupon postfix using the letters A through Z.

  10. 使用BedBath&Beyond(美国一家主营家居用品及饰品的连锁零售商)的20%折扣优惠券时,这个小工具的价格是40美元——谁知道呢?——

    With a 20-percent off coupon from Bed Bath & Beyond , this tool costs $ 40 and - who knows ? -

  11. 下载优惠券的网址链接发布到twitter上后,很快就转发给了数百万用户。

    Once the link to the voucher hit twitter , it was quickly forwarded to millions of users .

  12. 吴昌俊仍开着那辆陪了他12年的SUV,他的太太依然使用优惠券。

    Ng still drives his 12-year-old SUV and his wife regularly clips coupons .

  13. 我买了一张DV优惠券。

    I have a coupon for DV .

  14. 最受欢迎的Twitter账户,不只是发布品牌公司网站或优惠券链接清单。

    The most popular Twitter accounts are those that do more than just post lists of links to brands ' websites or vouchers .

  15. 同时,宝洁还通过其报纸插页BrandSaver散发优惠券。这项于2002年推出的业务能够覆盖约5700万美国家庭。

    P & G also distributes coupons through its Brand Saver newspaper insert , launched in 2002 , which reaches some 57m US households .

  16. 她还要和Sheila去吃晚饭用我的优惠券

    She 's using my coupon to take Sheila to dinner , too .

  17. 还有像CVS这样的商店,它的Advisor项目为那些完成调查的消费者提供ExtraBucks优惠券。

    There also are stores such as CVS , whose Advisor program provides consumers who complete surveys with ExtraBucks coupons 。

  18. 此外,昔日的垃圾邮件制作者还在利用团购网站Groupon等在线优惠券服务。

    Erstwhile spammers are also making use of online-coupon services such as Groupon ( grpn ) .

  19. 与这些推荐信息一起出现的,还有Foursquare公司提供的优惠券或其他折扣。

    Many of these suggestions come paired with coupons or special offers through Foursquare .

  20. 正因为有折扣让客户能以较低的价格购买产品,他们才有动力去使用嵌有您代销商ID的优惠券。

    Because of the discount , the customer then has an incentive to use the coupon with your affiliate ID embedded in it because they will receive the product for a less expensive price .

  21. 监测到多兰靠近这家店面之后,其iPhone手机上的丝芙兰应用程序已经启动Passbook【苹果公司(Apple)开发的优惠券和门票存储应用】来提醒她。

    Detecting her proximity to the store , the Sephora app on her iPhone had triggered Passbook , Apple 's coupon and ticket storing app , to remind her .

  22. 其他的,像Groupon这样为其定购者提供在线优惠券的公司,很可能不久也会上市。

    Other firms such as Groupon , which provides online coupons to its subscribers , are likely to go public soon .

  23. Steinberg目前正在开发一个更有效使用优惠券的步骤指导,她会将其发布到慈善机构的Facebook主页上。

    Steinberg is currently working on a step-by-step guide on to using coupons effectively , which she 'll post on the charity 's Facebook page .

  24. 这份电子邮件是对一起集体诉讼案做出的回应。这起名为“西南航空公司优惠券诉讼”的案件是由伊利诺伊州北部行政区地方法院法官马修??肯内利(MatthewF.Kennelly)审理的,诉讼编号为No.11-cv-8176。法院通告称:

    It is a document arising from the class-action case , In re Southwest Airlines Voucher Litigation , No. 11-cv-8176 , which came before Judge Matthew F. Kennelly of the District Court for the Northern District of Illinois .

  25. 近期针对可捐赠优惠券的倡议让英国的HollySmith火了一把,她用优惠券为一个收容所捐赠了价值超过1700美元的物品。

    The latest advocate for charitable couponing may just blow the U.K. 's Holly Smith -- who used coupons to nab more than $ 1700 worth of groceries for a homeless shelter -- out of the water .

  26. 在这个例子中,应该用您想要嵌入的优惠券代码替代“XXXXXX”。

    In this example " XXXXXX " should be replaced by the coupon that you wish to embed .

  27. 新系统将包括改进后的Siri语音助理、新的电子优惠券服务“Passbook”,以及新的呼叫屏蔽功能等。

    That software , iOS 6 , includes improvements to voice-activated assistant Siri , a new digital-coupon-and-passes service called Passbook , and new call-blocking features , among several others .

  28. NHN日本每月还能进账数百万日元的广告费,目前有30多家公司在连我上发布优惠券等类型的广告信息。

    While other revenue comes from about 30 companies who pay several million yen a month for advertising on the service , such as distributing coupons .

  29. 中国移动、中国电信和中国联通联合发布《5G消息白皮书》,承诺将为用户提供更多功能,包括分享高分辨率照片、文件、位置和优惠券等。

    China Mobile , China Unicom and China Telecom jointly released a white paper on 5G messaging services , vowing to give users access to enhanced features including the sharing of high-resolution photos , files , locations and coupons .

  30. 据NGG称,一位拒收优惠券的面包师被告知可以将这些代金券送给她的丈夫。

    A baker who refused such an offer was told to give the vouchers to her husband , the NGG said .