
  • 网络Huron;PORT HURON
  1. 他怀着非凡的事业心获准在休伦港与底特律之间的火车上卖报。

    With remarkable enterprise he obtained permission to sell newspapers on the railway train between Port Huron and Detroit .

  2. 12岁就开始在往返于自己的家乡休伦港和底特律的火车上经营报刊亭。

    At the age of 12 he began operating a newsstand aboard a railroad train that ran between his hometown of Port Huron and Detroit .

  3. 在他生病和全家搬到密歇根休伦港期间都没能步入学堂,直到七岁时才开始上学。

    Between his illnesses and his family 's move to Port Huron , Michigan , he was unable to begin school until the age of seven .

  4. 这工作挣不到足够的钱,所以他就开始在一列专跑休伦港、密执安和底特律的火车上卖报纸和糖果。

    This work did not bring in enough money and so he began to sell newspapers and candy on a train that ran between Port Huron Michigan and detroit .