
  • 网络sale of enterprise
  1. 1995年,加拿大魁比的地方政府禁止人们向企业出售这种植物,以保护植物不被过度挖掘。

    In 1995 , the local Government in Quebee , Canada , stopped people selling the plant to businesses in order to protect the plant against being over-dug .

  2. BeyondVerbal成立于2012年,主要业务是向做呼叫中心业务的企业出售深层语音分析软件。

    Founded in 2012 , Beyond Verbal 's main business is selling layered-voice-analysis software to companies in the call-center business .

  3. 靠向使用Linux的企业出售维护和支持服务而发家的红帽公司(RedHat),如今的市值已接近140亿美元。

    Red Hat , which grew by selling maintenance and support to companies that used Linux , is now worth nearly $ 14bn .

  4. 华为也试图转战进入网络设备市场,向政府和企业出售路由器和其它硬件及服务,这使它与思科系统(CiscoSystems)以及惠普公司(Hewlett-Packard)成了竞争对手。

    It is also trying to shift into network equipment , competing with Cisco Systems and Hewlett-Packard to sell routers and other hardware , as well as services , to governments and businesses .

  5. 2008年,中国查出22家中国企业出售的奶制品中含有三聚氰胺一种用于提升牛奶中的蛋白质含量的工业化学品。光明食品的子公司光明乳业(BrightDairy)也是其中之一。

    Bright Dairy , a subsidiary of Bright Food , was one of 22 Chinese companies found in 2008 to have sold milk products containing melamine , an industrial chemical used to boost protein levels in milk .

  6. 和IBM一样,惠普早在多年前就已经意识到,作为科技巨头,未来的发展不仅仅在于向企业出售大型机,更重要的是参与管理客户日益复杂的硬件设备和种类繁多的技术。

    Like IBM , HP saw years ago that the future of big tech was not in selling big computers to companies , but in taking on the increasingly complex tasks of managing them and all the antecedent technologies .

  7. 北京方面曾利用《反垄断法》,强制要求开展并购交易的全球性企业出售在华资产,或是阻止它们收购本国企业例如可口可乐(Coca-Cola)收购汇源的案例。

    Beijing has used the anti-monopoly laws to force global companies engaged in mergers and acquisitions to sell mainland assets or , in the case of Coca-Cola , to block an acquisition of a local company .

  8. 推出Moodies应用的BeyondVerbal公司说,该软件通过分析节奏、能量、频率和频谱内容等语音成分来生成数据,然后用自己的算法来进行加工。BeyondVerbal成立于2012年,主要业务是向做呼叫中心业务的企业出售深层语音分析软件。

    Beyond Verbal , the company behind the Moodies smartphone app , says its software analyzes speech components like timing , energy , frequency and spectral content to produce data that can then be run through its algorithms . Founded in 2012 , Beyond Verbal 's main business is selling layered-voice-analysis software to companies in the call-center business .

  9. 现在最枢纽的题目可能是:你什么时候想把企业出售?

    Perhaps the most important question is : when do you want to sell ?

  10. 因此,他们需要认真思考最终是将企业出售、还是寻找接班人。

    So they need to think hard about eventually selling or passing on their business .

  11. 这家全球销售收入排名第二的个人电脑厂商是以向企业出售大量低价个人电脑成名的。

    Dell said he would reinvent the company , which was known for selling low-price PCs in bulk to corporations .

  12. 研究人员警告说,两大全球快餐连锁企业出售的炸薯条和炸鸡块中有高含量可引发动脉血管阻塞的“反式”脂肪。

    Nuggets from two major global fast-food chains contain very high levels of artery-clogging " trans " fats , researchers warn .

  13. 经销企业出售的产品,必须符合本条例第七条、第九条的规定。

    The products sold by the marketing firm must conform to the requirements stipulated in Articles 7 and 9 of the present Regulations .

  14. 包括学术界人士和风险资本家在内的股东,经常会把英国的小型科技企业出售给大买家,而不是作为独立企业将它们发展壮大。

    Shareholders , including academics and venture capitalists , often sell small UK technology businesses to big acquirers rather than building them up as independents .

  15. 政府在从居民手中回购塔班陶勒盖煤田股票的同时,将以同样价格向一些蒙古企业出售一部分股票,以帮助支付回购账单。

    As the government buys the Tavan Tolgoi shares back , it will resell some to Mongolian companies for the same price , to reduce its bill .

  16. 我经常会看到一些企业家拒绝他们同行竞争者的一些高价收购,因为他们无法忍受把企业出售给一个强劲的对手而让自己的企业被完全掏空。

    I have frequently seen owners turn down higher offers from their obvious corporate rival because they cannot bear to sell out to a bitter competitor who will gut their business .

  17. 有人认为,徐工机械作为行业领袖,拥有先进的技术,将此类企业出售给外国公司可能导致中国的技术泄露给海外竞争对手。

    It was argued that Xugong , the industry leader , owned advanced technologies and the sale of such companies to foreigners could result in China losing its technology to overseas rivals .

  18. 利用网站积累起来的人气和品牌知名度,向餐厅或者其他企业出售网页的广告。

    The incomes also come from offering the advertisements for the website for sale to restaurants or other enterprises by means of utilizing the cumulative popularity and brand awareness of the website .

  19. 他们很难对付,在美国和中国都是非常厉害的角色,一位曾向张氏企业出售过废纸、要求不透露姓名的广东贸易商表示。

    They were tough , really tough cookies over in the US and in China , says one Guangdong-based trader who has sold waste paper to the Zhangs , but asked not to be identified .

  20. 她表示,大英图书馆确实了解一些商业问题,她指出该馆每年通过向企业出售信息(例如科学数据)获得约1.3亿英镑的收入。

    The Library does have some understanding of commercial matters , she adds , noting that it generates about 130m in revenue a year from the information it sells to businesses , such as scientific data .

  21. 1996年,它曾尝试管控那些向中国金融机构和大型企业出售信息的外国通讯社,并征收大笔费用,但在美国和欧盟贸易谈判代表的强烈反对下,新华社基本上放弃了这一努力。

    In 1996 , it tried to impose controls and hefty fees on foreign news agency sales to Chinese financial institutions and major companies but largely abandoned the effort after strong protests from US and EU trade negotiators .

  22. 他的观点与中国高官们近来发表的言论形成了鲜明对比,后者批评上述一些银行向中国国有企业出售衍生品(包括石油对冲产品)的行为,其中许多企业今年损失惨重。

    His view contrasts sharply with recent comments made by senior Chinese officials , who criticised some of the same banks for selling derivatives products , including oil hedges , to state companies . Many suffered heavy losses this year .

  23. 根据dowjonesventuresource提供的数据,只有325家企业被出售,为2003年以来的最低数量。

    Only 325 were sold , the lowest number since 2003 , according to Dow Jones venturesource .

  24. 试论国有企业的出售合同

    Firms on Sale The Selling Contract of the State Enterprise

  25. 他们帮助新创立企业,出售许可证。

    They help start-ups and they sell license equity .

  26. 这些企业低价出售回收自行车并提供维修服务。

    The businesses sell the recycled bikes at low cost and provide repair services .

  27. 国有企业的出售机制:拍卖

    Auction : the Machanism Selling State-owned Enterprises

  28. 11月,各企业未出售货品的库存都有所上涨,不过涨幅不足十月份的二分之一。

    Business boosted their stockpiles of unsold goods in November though the rise was less than half of October 's increase .

  29. 也就是说,俄罗斯石油生产企业在出售产品时,可以用强劲的美元进行结算,而生产费用则用贬值的卢布来支付。

    This means that Russian oil producers can sell their product in these strong dollars but pay their expenses in devalued rubles .

  30. 他告诉我,当有个企业要出售时,他就会找出20个潜在买家的姓名和地址。

    He told me that when he had a business to sell he would get the names and addresses of 20 potential buyers .