
  1. 基于GIS的兰州市普通住宅价格空间格局分析

    Spatial pattern analysis of residence price of Lanzhou city using GIS

  2. 农产品综合价格空间格局。

    The spatial distribution difference in the agricultural integrated price .

  3. 重庆市商品住宅价格空间分布特征研究

    Research on the Spatial Distribution Characters of Commercial Residence Price in Chongqing City

  4. 基于非参数方法的土地价格空间分布拟合与分析

    Spatial distribution of land prices : A nonparametric approach

  5. 大连商品住宅价格空间分异规律研究

    Spatial Distribution Characters of Residence Price in Dalian

  6. 寡头竞争中的价格空间歧视研究

    The Price Space Discrimination in Oligarchic Competition

  7. 收购价格空间大,可降低企业生产成本,提高企业市场竞争力。

    Large purchase price space can reduce the enterprise 's production costs and enhance its market competitiveness .

  8. 消费者、开发商、政府作为外部驱动力促使住宅价格空间分异。

    Consumers , developers , government as the external driving force , promoted housing prices spatial variation .

  9. 但要对房地产价格空间规律做出准确的描述需要有力的数据和方法支撑。

    But making an accurate description of the spatial distribution for the real estate prices requires strong data and methods support .

  10. 进而分析昆明市商品住宅价格空间分布规律,探寻形成规律的动力机制。

    This article tried to find the spatial distribution of commercial housing price in Kunming , and to explore the dynamic mechanism of the formation .

  11. 证券公开市场上的信息严重不对称,给机构投资者的暴富提供了巨大的价格空间和时间空间,使中小投资者蒙受重大损失,严重地损害了证券市场的健康发展。

    The serious asymmetry of information in the open market has brought great loss to individual investors , which greatly hindered the development of the market .

  12. 在成熟期,由于电冰箱产品高度同质化,价格空间已压缩至最低限,渠道管理便成为竞争取胜的关键因素,渠道已成为冰箱行业的竞争主轴。

    In the mature stage , the distribution channel becomes the key competition factor in the refrigerators industry due to high product homogeneity and limited pricing space .

  13. 城市住宅价格空间分异的分布规律、形成原因以及演变机制是城市经济学的一个重要研究分支,也是城市地理学的一个重要研究方向。

    The study on distribution rules , causes and evolutionary mechanisms of the space variation of urban housing prices is an important branch in urban economy and urban geography .

  14. 归纳出国外城市增长和土地、住房价格空间结构演变之间的内在规律,并根据我国实情提出了研究假设。

    Besides , we also study abroad empirical research and then sum up the internal rule of city growing and the evolvement of land and housing price spatial structure .

  15. 最后,笔者通过总结认为居住历史惯性、城市化进程和房地产业模式转变是导致杭州住宅价格空间分异外部动力。

    Finally , it is concluded that the living historical inertia , urbanization and paradigm shit of real estate are three external powers that exacerbate the space variation of housing prices in Hangzhou .

  16. 主要表现在居住历史习惯性奠定初始的空间格局,城市化进程推进住宅价格空间分异,消费者住宅需求加速着住宅空间分异。

    Mainly in residence habits lay the initial spatial pattern , the advance of urbanization promotes spatial variation of housing prices , and the consumer housing demand accelerates the differentiation of residential space .

  17. 论文作者在住宅数据分析和实地调查的基础上,对浦东新区城市住宅现有空间格局从住宅规模与密度空间、住宅价格空间、住宅社会空间等三个方面进行了阐述与分析。

    With the datum analyzing and author 's investigation of whole Pudong , this part researched Pudong residence spatial structure from the three aspects : house scale and density , house price , and residential differentiation .

  18. 最后认为开发区建设、择居行为、居民收入差异和技术变革是住宅价格空间分异的主要原因和动力。

    It is concluded that construction of the development areas , the behavior of housing selection , the family income differences and the technology transformation are the main reasons and motives of spatial segregation of house price .

  19. 通过空间统计学的半变异函数工具定量研究了东莞市普通住宅价格的空间异质性特征。

    Using semi-variogram , the spatial heterogeneity of general houses prices in Dongguan City is studied quantificationally .

  20. 近10年广州市房地产价格的空间分布及其影响

    The spatial distribution of the real es-tate price in Guangzhou in last decade and its effect on urban restructuring

  21. 根据回归结果,进一步测算了地铁2号线对沿线住宅价格的空间和时间上的增值效应。

    According to regression results , further calculations of the Metro Line 2 of the housing prices along the space and time of the multiplier effect .

  22. 然后,这些卫星的测量数据与粟米价格的空间分布数据结合了起来,并与未来1到4个月对植被的估计数据联系起来。

    These satellite measurements are then combined with spatial maps of millet prices , and coupled with estimates of vegetation data one to four months in the future .

  23. 因此,本文从顾客价值的定义出发,将顾客价值空间分为三个维度:效用价值空间、价格价值空间和个人化价值空间。

    Therefore , based on the concept of customer value , the customer value space is divided into three parts : utility value space , price value space and personality value space .

  24. 肖维指出,美元走强和欧元疲软为游客提供了“更大的价格套利空间,并有助于推动组织完善的平行市场的出现,特别是在欧洲地区”。

    A strong dollar and weak euro have offered " greater price arbitrage opportunities for tourists and facilitated the emergence of well-organised parallel markets , particularly in Europe , " notes Mr Chauvet .

  25. 针对未来五年重庆商品住宅市场供需结构、价格及空间分布发展情况,提出了保障重庆商品住宅市场健康稳定发展的举措。

    According to the future Chongqing commercial residence market supply and demand structure , price and space distribution development situation , the studying proposes the measures to security Chongqing commercial residence market healthy and stable development .

  26. 经验认为,商品住宅在多种综合因素的影响下,价格的空间分布存在一定规律,如市中心价格比郊区价格高。

    Experience thought that under the influence of various factors , the spatial distribution of the commercial housing price is certain regularity , such as the price in the downtown is much higher than in the suburbs .

  27. 例如,当你选择一辆新车有很多因素要考虑:价格、空间、维修记录,折旧,还有,是的,性感只是。

    To illustrate , when you choose a new car there are a number of attributes that need to be taken into account : price , roominess , maintenance record , trade-in , and , yes , sexiness .

  28. 应用动态分层聚类方法分析单个农产品价格的空间格局。以大米和猪肉为例,分析成本、容量、优势生产基地和优势市场的空间变化规律,确定江苏大米和猪肉的市场优势。

    In addition , the spatial difference of the agriculture product price was evaluated using dynamic clustering method Furthermore , the author took the rice and the pork as cases to analyze the spatial difference of the cost and the consume and the advantage yield as well as the market .

  29. 走航ADCP沿船的航行航迹,提供水平流的准连续垂直剖面资料,它能够以相对低廉的价格给出海流空间结构。

    Cruising ADCP along the track can get the quasi-continuous flow of vertical profile data , and spatial structure of ocean currents in a relatively low price .

  30. 考虑到目前内存的价格,交换空间是一种非常缓慢的辅助存储器。

    With current memory prices , swap space represents a very slow secondary memory .