
  • 网络value proposition;customer value proposition
  1. 由于具有这么广泛和战略意义的价值主张,因此很容易看到SOA是无法回避的趋势。

    With such a broad and strategic value proposition , it 's easy to accept that SOA is inevitable .

  2. 此反模式的常见症状表现为发起人不能清楚地阐释采用SOA的价值主张。

    A common symptom of this antipattern is the inability of the sponsors to articulate the value proposition of SOA adoption .

  3. 实现SOA价值主张要求同时使用SOA和Web服务。

    Achieving the value propositions of SOA requires both SOA and web services .

  4. 解决方案示例:根据没有浮夸的SOA价值主张开发SOA平台

    Solution example : Develop a SOA platform based on hype-free SOA value propositions

  5. 事实上,帮助个人和组织确定价值主张是Rational顾问在客户业务方面的基本目标。

    In fact , helping both individuals and organizations define their value propositions is a fundamental goal for Rational brand consultants in client engagements .

  6. 一家全球汽车租赁公司了解可支持其关键业务动力的SOA解决方案的价值主张

    A global car rental company understood the value propositions of a SOA solution that would support its key business drivers

  7. 每一层处理SOA中与独特价值主张相关的特征和职责的一个特定子集。

    Each layer addresses a specific subset of characteristics and responsibilities that relate to unique value propositions within an SOA .

  8. 为了进一步增强DB2系列的价值主张,DB2封装包括跨整个IBM关系数据库产品组合的联合功能。

    To further enhance the DB2 family value proposition , DB2 packaging includes federation across the entire IBM relational database portfolio .

  9. SOA参考架构的使用是SOA价值主张实现的一个关键因素。

    The usage of the SOA Reference Architecture is a key enabler for the achievement of the value propositions of an SOA .

  10. 这个结果是将任何接口都作为Web服务实现,而不管这些服务是否是SOA价值主张的一部分而造成的。

    This is a result of implementing any interface as a web service regardless of whether these services are part of a SOA value proposition or not .

  11. 处理此反模式的一个方法是制定可行的SOA转换计划,此计划要求组织对其SOA价值主张进行定义。

    An approach toward addressing this antipattern is to develop a viable SOA transition plan which requires organizations to define their SOA value proposition .

  12. 早期的采用者利用这些工件提出了企业mashup的价值主张。

    These artifacts are utilized with early adopters in promoting the value proposition of enterprise mashups .

  13. 通过把MDM体系结构和MDM解决方案模式组合成全面的MDM解决方案,可以实现以下价值主张

    Composing MDM architecture and MDM solution patterns into a comprehensive MDM solution , the key value propositions are

  14. 对业务部门和IT部门进行培训,阐释SOA的概念、其价值主张,并说明其在提供支持业务所需的IT灵活性方面的好处。

    Educate both business and IT on what SOA is , its value propositions and the benefits it provides to deliver IT flexibility that is required to support business goals .

  15. 通过某种能够实现多个业务流程并到达不同业务通道的机制,从而重用现有系统和应用程序中的关键功能,这是SOA的一个基本价值主张。

    Reusing key functions in existing systems and applications , in a mechanism that realizes multiple business processes and reaches different business channels , is a fundamental value proposition of SOA .

  16. “电梯游说”(elevatorpitch或elevatorstatement)是指对产品、服务、机构及其价值主张的简短介绍。

    An elevator pitch ( or elevator statement ) is a short summary used to quickly and simply define a product , service , or organization and its value proposition .

  17. 价值主张(valueproposition)是企业宣称其产品和服务能为消费者带来的独特价值,是客户所能感知到的一系列既得利益的总和。

    The value proposition is a special statement that a firm claiming its product or services can attribute to its customers , and it 's total gain that customers can perceive from their interation with value providers .

  18. 能够生成定制虚拟映像并以可审计的方式使用它们构建虚拟系统,这是WebSphereCloudBurstAppliance的一项重要价值主张。

    The ability to produce customized virtual images and use them in an auditable manner to construct virtual systems is an important value proposition of the WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance .

  19. 在Web上搜索PPM的人都会看到奇特的短语,如“IT与业务的结合”、“IT优化”、“IT治理”、“适应性”等,作为投资组合管理的价值主张。

    Anyone researching PPM on the Web will see fancy phrases like " IT to business alignment ,"" IT optimization ,"" IT governance ,"" compliance " and so on as value propositions for portfolio management .

  20. 通过严格按照此方法进行操作,可以帮助实现BDD在以下方面的价值主张:降低开发成本、缩短上市时间,以及提高质量和客户满意度。

    Following the methodology closely helps deliver the value proposition of BBD in terms of reduction in cost of development , decreasing time to market , and improving quality and customer satisfaction .

  21. Joyus认为其价值主张是将电子商务与高端视频及社交相结合,不过几乎所有人都能这样做(包括其它电子商务公司)。

    Joyus thinks its value proposition is combining e-commerce with high-end video and social , but pretty much anyone could do that ( including other e-commerce companies ) .

  22. 丹尼尔:我们向他们推出的价值主张超级简单明了。

    Daniel : the value proposition that we offer is super-easy .

  23. 你的价值主张是什么?怎样定价?

    What is your value proposition ? How do you price ?

  24. 量化并保护你的“成本-效益”价值主张。

    Quantify and protect your " cost-benefit " value proposition .

  25. 正确定位发展全价值主张

    The Concept of Correct Positioning and Growing Total Value

  26. 同一价值主张下不同流派之间的观念互补

    Complementary of Concepts between Different Schools within Same Values

  27. 对私人事务的价值主张不必确立统一评价标准讨论是非,而对公共事务的价值主张则必须这么做。

    But for common affair , we must establish a united evaluation criterion .

  28. 网络环境下客户价值主张的量化方法及应用

    To Study on Application and Quantification of Value Proposition for Customers under Internet Circumstance

  29. 这些设备还价格实惠,因此该价值主张不容忽视。

    These devices are also affordable and therefore the value proposition cannot be ignored .

  30. 数据整合模式的价值主张

    Value proposition of the data consolidation pattern