
  • 网络value-free;value free;value-neutral;value neutrality;value neutral
  1. 价值中立是个充满争议的理论主张。

    The claim for value-free is a viewpoint companion with dispute .

  2. 默顿批评了传统功能主义的不足,提出了所谓价值中立的功能分析模式。

    Merton criticized the defeats of traditional functionalism , and posed the so-called value-free functional analyzing pattern .

  3. 论心理咨询中的价值中立和价值干预

    On Value Neutrality and Value Interference in the Field of Psycho-consultation

  4. 课程改革不是价值中立而是价值负载的活动。

    Curriculum reform is not a value neutral but a value-loaded activity .

  5. 纯科学的价值中立观点。

    Neutrality point of view of value of pure science .

  6. 试论道德教育中教师的价值中立及其限度

    On Teachers ' Value Neutrality and Its Limit in the Moral Education

  7. 价值中立是罗杰斯的来访者中心疗法的重要原则。

    Value neutrality is an important principle of Rochester 's visitor-centered therapy .

  8. 价值中立思想与中国德育

    The Idea of Value Free and Moral Education in China

  9. 科学价值中立说的现代审视

    The contemporary examination on the neutralism of scientific value

  10. 政治学经验研究和分析性研究中价值中立的可能性

    Possibility of Value-neutrality in Empirical or Analytical Political Studies

  11. 对心理咨询中价值中立的质疑

    Querying the " Value Free " in Psychological Consultation

  12. 科学是价值中立的,而工程是与价值相关的。

    On the view of value , science is adiaphorous , engineering is correlative .

  13. 人文科学的价值中立问题探析

    On " Value neutrality " of Human Science

  14. 从价值中立到价值负载;

    From value neutrality to value bearing ;

  15. 再论价值中立及其应用限度

    On Value-free and Its Limitation in Application

  16. 客观主义的价值中立;

    The neutral value of the objectivism ;

  17. 现代知识范式的客观性、普遍性和价值中立性遭受质疑。

    Modern-knowledge form has to face the challenge to its objectivity , generality and value-neutrality .

  18. 价值中立是一个见仁见智有价值的话题。

    Value free is a controversial topic .

  19. 解释犯罪与价值中立

    Explanation of Crimes and Neutrality of Value

  20. 论科学的价值中立

    Discussion of the Value Neutrality of Science

  21. 价值中立和价值参照

    Value neutrality and reference to value

  22. 科学本身规律是价值中立,具有一定历史及现实意义。

    The law of identity of science is the value neutrality , it has be historical .

  23. 任何把古希腊的科学自由精神理解为价值中立的看法,都是完全站不住脚的。

    Any views that treat the free spirit of science in ancient Greece as value-neutral are completely groundless .

  24. 从否定的角度看,现代化是一个价值中立的概念,而西化或欧化则是一个价值取向很强的概念;现代化中的许多内容都是中性的东西,不涉及价值取向;

    On the other hand , the concept of modernization shows indifferent neutrality while westernization has distinct value-orientation .

  25. 西方主流心理学植根于经验实证主义传统,认为科学是客观的和价值中立的。

    Psychology is rooted in the tradition of empirical positivism that views science as objective and value free .

  26. 其中传统认识论的基本特征是将知识看成是客观的,价值中立的,而现代认识论则将知识看成是文化的、有价值的。

    Of which , the essential features of traditional epistemology considers knowledge as " objective " " value-neutraled ";

  27. 任何知识都是有缺陷的,任何知识都是有倾向性的,没有真正的价值中立。

    Any knowledge is flawed , any knowledge is tendentious , and there is no real value neutral .

  28. 与主流国际关系理论的相关探讨相比,斯特兰奇的具有价值中立性结构性权力思想更具有现实感和包容性。

    Compared with other international relations theory , the factor-neutral thought of Structural Power is more actual and inclusive .

  29. 课程政策不是价值中立的,价值取向贯穿课程政策的产生、实施、评价的全过程。

    The curriculum policy was not value-neutral , the value orientation is throughout the whole process of curriculum policy .

  30. 长期以来,在教育评价理论与实践领域,传统的逻辑实证主义价值中立原则始终居于主导地位。

    As a rationalistic paradigm , traditional theories and practices of educational evaluation usually focus on the value-free principle .