
  • 网络tadalafil;Cialis
  1. 本文就他达拉非治疗ED的安全性做一综述,以求该药物在临床上得到更安全的使用,为临床医生选择使用该类药物提供参考。

    This review is to address the safety of tadalafil in treating ED , and provide further guidance for clinicians'choice and safer use of the drug .

  2. 该研究确实显示了他达拉非可以改善手部血流情况。

    The study does show that tadalafil improves blood flow to the hands .

  3. 结论:方法简便,快速,专属性好,适用于中药保健品中他达拉非的检测。

    Conclusion : The established method was accurate , reliable and simple , which can be used to detect tadalafil in TCM .

  4. 这项研究是由辉瑞公司发起,分类上称为他达拉非、艾力达或伐地那非,主要由葛兰素史克公司,拜耳公司和先灵葆雅公司销售,工作方式与伟哥类似。

    The research was funded by Pfizer Inc , known generically as tadalafil , and Levitra or vardenafil , sold by GlaxoSmithKline , Bayer AG and Schering-Plough , work in a similar way to Viagra .