
  • 网络Wood Based Panels Machinery
  1. 浅析中国人造板机械新技术的应用概况

    Application general situation of new technique of Chinese wood-based panel machinery

  2. 中国人造板机械生产企业分布及形成与发展概况

    Chinese wood-based panel enterprises ' distribution , formation and general situation

  3. 世界人造板机械发展现状与趋势

    The Status aod Trend of International Wood-based Panel Machinery Development

  4. 国外人造板机械发展状况与技术特点

    The developing trend and technology feature of foreign WBP machinery

  5. 浅析金融海啸对中国人造板机械制造业发展的影响

    Analyzing the affection of financial tsunami on Chinese WBP industry

  6. 人造板机械噪声污染及其控制技术

    Noise Pollution of Wood-based Panel Machinery and Its Control Technology

  7. 计算机编码在人造板机械行业的应用

    Application of Computer Encoding in Wood-based Panel Machinery Industry

  8. 人造板机械设备型号编制方法

    Programing method for the types of wood-based panel machinery

  9. 人造板机械用新型刀片材料的开发

    Research and Development on New Materials of Knives Used in Artificial Board Machines

  10. 中国木工及人造板机械在东南亚发展的对策分析

    China 's Woodwork Machinery Marketing in Southeast Asia

  11. 我国人造板机械发展现状、存在的问题及调控措施

    Development Situation , Problems , Adjustment and Control Measures of Wood-based Panel Machinery in China

  12. 我国人造板机械发展方略刍议

    Proposals for Developing China 's Panelboard Machinery

  13. 人造板机械的噪声主要有机械噪声和空气动力性噪声。

    The noise of wood-based panel machinery mainly includes mechanical noise , air dynamic noise , etc.

  14. 人造板机械设备的技术水平是人造板工业节能的基础。

    Engineering level of equipment is the foundation of saving energy in the wood-based panels industry .

  15. 用科学发展观展望我国人造板机械制造行业的发展趋势

    Prospecting the Development Trend of China 's Wood-based Panel Machinery Manufacturing Industry with the Concept of Scientific Development

  16. 磨木纸:即机械木浆纸.人造板机械设备型号编制方法

    Woody paper : Synonymous with " mechanical paper " . Programing method for the types of wood-based panel machinery

  17. 针对人造板机械行业介绍产品生命周期管理系统中的零部件编码方法。

    The encoding methods of components and parts suitable for implementing PLM system in the wood-based panel machinery industry are introduced .

  18. 简要介绍了我国人造板机械的发展过程,分析了国内人造板机械存在的问题和发展趋势。

    This paper briefly introduces the developing course of domestic wood-based panel machinery industry , analyzes the existing questions and the developing tendency of China wood-based panel machinery .

  19. 我国人造板、木工机械和家具产业的未来向谁要效益?

    Where will the profits of China 's wood-based panel , woodworking machinery and furniture enterprises come from in the near future ?

  20. 人造板设备与木工机械行业现状及发展趋势

    Status and Trend of Panel Machinery and Wood-working Machinery Industry

  21. 分析指出我国人造板设备与木工机械存在问题与差距,发展趋势与研发重点。

    In the basis of analyzing exited problems and gaps , focal work points and measures to develop our wood-working and panel machinery industry are presented .

  22. 简要总结了我国人造板设备与木工机械近10年间的发展历程与现状,企业发展格局,以及近期国际国内木工机械市场;

    Development course is reviewed of Chinese panel machinery and wood-working machinery industry for the last 10 years , and a description is given of current situation and market of the industry . Also , international market of the industry is briefly introduced .

  23. 为最大限度地节约木材原料和能源,符合循环经济要求的人造板工业在世界各地得到迅速发展,从而带动了人造板机械设备技术水平的迅速提高。

    The technological level of international wood-based panel machinery has got a rapid and great advancement in the world with the fast development of wood-based panel industry which accords with cycle economy demand in order to economize furthest the timber raw material and the energy resources .

  24. 本研究为人造板厚度在线监测提供了一种全新、灵活和高效的手段,可有效控制人造板厚度偏差,提高人造板的加工质量,满足人造板生产机械发展的需要。

    It controls effectively the wood-based panel thickness deviation , and meets the requirement of development of the wood-based panel machinery .