
  1. 另一方面是人自身的生产,即种的繁衍。繁衍子孙[自己的种族]

    On the other side , the production of human beings themselves , the propagation of the species .

  2. 马克思全面生产理论包括四个方面,即物质生产、精神生产、人自身的生产及社会关系的生产。

    Marxist theory includes four parts , full-scale production of material production , spiritual production , self-production and social relations .

  3. 物质生产为原始艺术提供客体形式因素,人自身的生产为原始艺术提供主体情感因素。从自我意识和对象意识的初步建立,到。

    The physical production provides the object form factor for the primitive arts , and the person own production provides the main emotion factor for the primitive art .

  4. 这种理解的一个内在的逻辑结论就是,在未来社会中,现实的人自身的生产,必将成为历史发展的根本动力。

    Followed by this thinking , we can get a conclusion : the production of actual man himself is bound to be the crucial power for historical progress in the future .

  5. 只不过此时人自身的生产已经不再是原始状态下人的生命个体的生产和中群的扩大,而是使人成为一个真正的自我创造、自我生成的实践主体再生产出来。

    People 's own production has outgrown the individual production and the enlargements of middle groups under primitive condition at this moment , and has made people become a real subject that can self-create and self-produce , and then reproduce .

  6. 马克思、恩格斯提出的人自身的生产,即种的繁衍与生活资料的生产以及关于意识的生产即精神的生产的论述,曾经受到来自各方面的责难和挑战。

    Marx and Engels ' theory that production of human beings consists of the production of human being itself , the production of means of subsistence , and spiritual production , was blamed and challenged by people in different fields .