
rén lèi huán jìnɡ
  • human environment
  1. 他于3月份在20国集团(G20)环境和能源部长圆桌会议上发表的讲话的根源可以追溯到1972年,以及在斯德哥尔摩召开的联合国人类环境会议。

    The roots of his speech , given in March at the roundtable meeting of environment and energy ministers from the G20 group of nations , stretch back to 1972 , and the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm .

  2. c在任何对人类环境产生重要影响之立法以及其他主要联邦决定之提案报告或建议中,须包括由主管官员就以下问题提交的详细报告书。

    C include in every recommendation or report on proposals for legislation and other major federal actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment , a detailed statement by the responsible official on .

  3. 随着人们环保意识的提高,人们越来越清楚地认识到煤粉燃烧过程中生成的气体SO2和NOx严重威胁着人类环境和人体健康。

    As people pay more attention to the environment protection issue , people know more about the SO2 and NOx created in the coal combustion , which threaten people s health and environment .

  4. 许多研究表明,金属汞(Hg)是一种危害非常广泛的重金属毒物,是人类环境污染中最常见的公害之一。

    Many studies have shown that mercury ( Hg ) is a toxic heavy metal in a wide range of hazards , and it is one of the most common harm for human environmental pollution .

  5. 随着人类环境保护意识增强、发展经济可持续化情况下,PVA浆料在很多国家被禁止使用,国内已出现了少用、不用PVA浆料的观点。

    And now the whole world is increasing the awareness of environmental protection and building a pattern of sustainable economy . Under this condition , PVA was abandoned in many countries , especially in developed countries .

  6. 第一个阶段即萌芽阶段,时间跨度为1958年至1972年斯德哥尔摩人类环境会议。

    The first stage lasts from 1958 to 1972 in Stockholm .

  7. 水坝对人类环境的影响及其规制

    On Influence Of Dams To Human Environment And Relative Regulations

  8. 地质科学在保护人类环境中的作用

    The Function of Geo-science in Protecting the Human Environment

  9. 用设计改善人类环境

    Improve Environment with Design Method

  10. 近年来,中国景观行业在经济的发展和人类环境意识的提高下空前繁荣起来。

    In recent years , economic development and increase in public awareness of human environment have brought unprecedented prosperity to landscape industry .

  11. 随着人类环境意识、资源意识的不断深化,越来越多的国家签署了国际环境公约。

    With the enhancement of environmental and resource consciences of human being , more and more countries have signed the international environmental conventions .

  12. 这种转变了的伦理价值观逐渐成为人类环境立法的重要理念基础,也是环境法治得以实施的道德前提和精神支撑。

    This new ethics has gradually become the important theoretical foundation for environment legislation and the moral precondition and base for its practice .

  13. 我们通常所说的环境指的是人类环境,是由自然环境与社会环境组成的综合体。

    What we speak of the environment is generally referred to the human environment which takes an aggregate comprising both natural and social environments .

  14. 在生态环境建设时通过共生控制人类环境系统,整合社会经济自然生态系统,加大保护湿地、绿洲的力度。

    So , in the construction of eco-environment , human-environment system should be control , and the society , economy and natural ecosystem should be integrated .

  15. 联合国环境与发展大会是继1972年联合国人类环境大会后国际环境保护史上的又一个里程碑事件。

    The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development was another milestone after the United Nations Conference on Human Environment in the history of international environmental protection .

  16. 为了保护森林资源和人类环境,解决我国木材原料供应不足的矛盾,发展农作物秸秆材料产业具有重要的现实意义。

    The development of straw-based composites industry in China would help solve the shortage of timber supply and contribute to the protection of forest resources and the environment .

  17. 本文从伦理学角度论述了人类环境伦理观的形成,环境伦理对公众参与环境保护的影响以及可持续发展的环境道德原则。

    This paper studies the forming of human environmental ethics in ethnics light , the impact on public participation and environmental protection , environmental moral principles of sustainable development .

  18. 作为人类环境共同体客观要求的环境责任是任何共同体成员都要承担的责任,其主体具有广泛性的特征。

    The environment responsibility , which is the objective requirement of the human environment community , is responsibility for every member of the community , and its subject has widespread characteristics .

  19. 全球古气候研究目的是为了揭示过去气候变化的自然历程,探求其形成机制,预测未来人类环境走向。

    The aim of global paleoclimatic research is to reveal the natural process of past climate change , probe its mechanisms and forecast the trend of human environment in the future .

  20. 在解决三个问题时,它以生态收益为基础,把人类环境权和保护义务统一起来,以达到种际正义;

    While solving three problems , we should base on ecological income and unite the environment right and the corresponding duty together in order to reach a kind of races justice .

  21. 以化石能源为主体的能源结构,对人类环境的破坏显而易见,它是造成大气污染与生态破坏的主要原因之一。

    The damage on the human environment caused by using fossil fuels as the main energy structure , which is the main reasons of air pollution and ecological destruction , is obvious now .

  22. 中国新疆玛纳斯河流域水土资源开发与人工绿洲生态系统的建设人类环境资源的劣化及其防治对策&以中国新疆维吾尔自治区为例

    The Development and Utilization of Water and Land Resources in River Valley and the Establishment of Ecosystem of Artificial Oasi in Arid Zone The Worsening and Its Counter Measures of Human Environmental Resource

  23. 1972年的联合国人类环境会议的召开标志着国际环境法正式形成,随着可持续发展概念的提出,国际环境法的基本原则也日益丰富。

    The United Nations Conference of the Human Environment 1972 formally marked such a creation , and together with the proposition of sustainable development , international environmental law has its basic principles greatly enriched .

  24. 早在1972年,《人类环境宣言》就向世人宣示了人类所负有的保护和改善这一代和将来的世世代代的环境的庄严责任。

    Because the Declaration of the United Nations Conference on Human Environment enacted in 1972 proclaims the world that Man bears a solemn responsibility to protect and improve the environment for present and future generations .

  25. 1972年,联合国斯德哥尔摩人类环境会议召开,各国政府将环境问题提上议程,民间环保组织受到极大的鼓舞,自此环境运动此起彼伏、蔚为大观。

    After the Stockholm United Nations Conference held in 1972 , environment was put on the agenda by governments , environmental non-government organizations ( ENGOs ) were greatly encouraged , from then on , environment movement developed fast .

  26. 提高冰箱性能,不仅仅能为家庭节约电费,还同时响应了国家节能减排和低碳目标,并为人类环境的可持续发展做出贡献。

    Improving refrigerator performance , not only can contribute to electricity saving for families , but also contributes to the national advocated targets of ? energy-saving emission reduction ' and ? low-carbon ', even contribute to the environment sustainability .

  27. 随着高新技术产业开发区的不断发展与人类环境意识的不断提高,高新技术产业开发区环境建设与管理工作对于园区建设和发展的重要性越来越明显。

    With the development of Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone and the improvement of people 's environmental consciousness , it is more and more obvious that the environmental construction and management is of great importance to Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone .

  28. 联合国于1972年召开的人类环境会议,将贸易与环境问题首次提到议事日程上来,并受到国际社会的日益关注。

    The United Nations held the Human Environmental Conference , at which the issue of Trade and Environment was put forward for the first time . Since then , the issue has got extensive and close attention from the international society .

  29. 他关心人类生存环境的改善。

    He was concerned with the enhancement of the human condition .

  30. 此外,大多数过敏原与人类生活环境密切相关,不可能简单地根除。

    In addition , most allergens are closely linked to human living environments and are impossible to simply wipe out .