
  1. 佛教徒要建立一种求实观,要有寻根究底的精神,要真正了解宇宙和人生的真相。

    Buddhists should be practical-minded , have the spirit of thorough investigation , and realize the truth of universe and life .

  2. 某人的话:真正的英雄主义是,你知道了人生的真相,依然热爱生活!

    There is only one heroism in the world : to see the world as it is and to love it .

  3. 我只能确定一个人终其一生,都不能知道人生的真相,更别说是一个晚上了。

    Only as sure as I am , that the reality of one night , let alone that of a whole lifetime , can ever be the whole truth .

  4. 我们破解《老子》不是想证明什么,而是为了破解宇宙人生的真相,让人类用《老子》给我们的智慧化解随之而来的天地危局。

    We break the " I " not trying to prove anything , but to break the universe life and truth , let humans use " I " give us wisdom to resolve the world crisis .

  5. 但海子反对“幻想”和“幻象”的诗歌,他认为这些都没有触及人生的真理和真相,忽略生命存在的本身。

    But Haizi objects the " imagine " and " mirage " poem for they do not throw light on the truth and the actual state of human existence and neglect the human life itself .

  6. 小说中的故事都有一个共同的叙事元素——顿悟,每个故事中的人物都会经历改变人生的瞬间或得知真相的时刻。

    The stories share a common narrative element , epiphany , where characters experience a life-changing illumination or a moment of truth .