
  • 网络Culture Pearl;Peral Diving
  1. 他们怎么会想到养殖人工珍珠的?

    How did they pick up the idea of cultivating artificial pearls ?

  2. 真正的珍珠比人工珍珠贵得多。

    Real pearls are more expensive than artificial ones .

  3. 镶有天然或人工养殖珍珠的耳环(不包括贵金属制)

    Earring incorporating natural or cultured pearls ( excl. of precious metal )

  4. 直到19世纪末,人工培育珍珠的方法才在日本发明。

    It wasn 't until the end of the 19th century that a technique for culturing pearls was invented in Japan .

  5. 珍珠层是软体动物硬壳中普遍发育的一种结构单元,对其进行深入研究可为人工培育珍珠及制造现代有机-无机复合材料提供科学依据。

    Nacre is one of the general construction units of mollusk shells , Thoroughly studying on it can provide insight not only into the pearl-culture , but also into fabrication of advanced organic-inorganic composite materials .

  6. 各部位w(Cu)/w(Zn)均小于0.50,其中人工插核珍珠层的w(Cu)/w(Zn)特别小,为0.05。

    The w ( Cu ) / w ( Zn ) of all are smaller than 0.50 and it is the smallest ( 0.05 ) in the manual nucleus inserted pearl layer .

  7. 珍珠色;杰出者;珍品天然珍珠比人工培养的珍珠贵得多。vt.投;

    pearl The natural pearl is much more expensive than a cultured one .

  8. 您想看天然珍珠还是人工养殖的珍珠?

    Would you like to see natural pearls or cultured pearls ?

  9. 本文用显微拉曼对三种珍珠(天然海水珍珠、人工养殖海水珍珠、人工养殖淡水珍珠)做了测试与分析。

    Three kinds of pearl natural seawater pearl , farmed seawater pearl , and farmed fresh water pearl have been tested by the confocal micro Raman spectrometer .