
  • 网络Human body resistance;bio-impedance
  1. 针对人体电阻抗成像系统的要求,设计并实现了一种基于FPGA的激励信号源,输出频率范围为0~1.5MHz。

    A FPGA based signal generator is designed and implemented . The frequency covers from 0 to 1.5 MHz .

  2. 高精度人体电阻抗断层成像系统

    A High Precision Electrical Impedance Tomography System for Human Body

  3. 人体电阻抗技术中场扰动理论及其应用

    Theory and application of field perturbation to electrical impedance technique for medicine

  4. 在这一领域主要的研究方向为人体电阻抗特性的研究和人体电位特性的研究。

    The study of human skin electrical impedance characteristics and human potential characteristics are two very important research directions in this area .

  5. 实验结果表明,该信号源精度高,幅值稳定性好,调节方便,可满足不同激励模式下人体电阻抗成像系统的需要。

    Experimental results show that this signal generator is of high precision and stability , and is an ideal module for electrical impedance tomography system of different exciting modes .

  6. 较详尽地分析了在不同状态下的人体电阻值,为各种条件下的安全电压值提供了依据。

    After analysing the human body 's resistance in detail , the secure current values were put forward , and the useful basis for secure voltage under various conditions was provided .

  7. 人体综合电阻测试研究

    Study on Test of Human Body General Resistance

  8. 设计了一套用于人体生物电阻抗测量的仪器装置,完成了人体健康测评系统软件的编程。

    The bio-impedance measurement instrument for human body is designed , the software of human health evaluation is completed .

  9. 介绍了一种对人体内电阻抗分布进行成像的医学成像系统,并将其应用于肺通气的观察。

    An imaging system is described which produces images of the electrical impedance distribution within the body , allowing lung ventilation to be observed .

  10. 通过实验测得了不同情况下的人体静电电阻、电容及电位,分析实验测量数据与理论分析存在误差的原因。

    Experimentally measured by the human body under different circumstances had static resistance , capacitance and potential , analysis of experimental data and theoretical analysis of the reasons for errors existing . 3 .

  11. 人体经络动态电阻检测电路的设计

    Design of test circuits for human meridian dynamic resistance

  12. 人体乳腺组织电阻抗特性的研究

    Study on dielectric properties of human breast tissues

  13. 443例人体经穴皮肤电阻抗振荡波动现象观察

    Observation on the Phenomenon of the Vibration and Fluctuation of Acupoints ' Skin Electric Impedence in 443 Patients

  14. 方法:采用自行研制的人体穴位表面电阻测定仪对2281名健康人的胃经五输穴体表阻抗进行测试,分别于春、夏、秋、冬季检测。

    Methods : The impedance fluctuation on different points in Wushu was measured by a micro-computer with pressure sensor to2281 healthy people .

  15. 实验表明,金属针和激光针的刺激都会显著的降低人体的皮肤电阻。

    The study shows that both sensitive needle acupuncture and feelingless laser stimulation on acupoints can lead to a significant decrease of skin impedance .

  16. 主要讨论了人体乳腺组织电阻抗特性的测量方法、测量结果以及存在的问题,对乳腺电阻抗成像技术的应用前景进行了展望。

    In this paper , the measurements and results of dielectric properties of human breast tissues are discussed , and the problems of measurement and the application perspective of the EIS are also explored .

  17. 用常规营养指标、视黄醇结合蛋白(RBP)、人体测量、生物电阻抗法、改良主观全面营养评价法评价营养状况。

    The nutrition status was assessed by common biochemical indicators of nutrition , RBP , anthropometric measurements , Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis ( BIA ) and modified quantitative subjective global assessment .

  18. 人体双侧对称经络电阻抗失衡与疾病的相关研究

    Study on the relations between bilateral symmetry meridian resistance imbalance and diseases

  19. 人体乳腺组织的电阻抗特性反映了乳腺组织的病理生理状态,而对它的测量成为乳腺电阻抗扫描成像技术的前提和基础。

    The dielectric properties of human breast tissues reflect the pathological and physiological state of breast tissues and the measurement of these properties serves as the basis for electrical impedance scanning ( EIS ) technology .

  20. 方法:对449名男性和569名女性健康成年人进行人体测量和生物电阻抗测量。年龄18~74岁,男性平均为(38.74±16.5)岁,女性平均为(40.23±15.6)岁。

    Methods : Anthropometric measurements , percentage of body fat were measured by bioelectrical impedance analysis ( BIA ) in 449 men ( mean age 38.74 ± 16.5 years ) and 569 women ( mean age 40.23 ± 15.6 years ) of healthy adults aged 18-74 years .

  21. 影响触电者触电时危险程度的因素有:电压电流、电流作用时间、电流通过人体的途径、人体电阻等;

    The factors , which influence the dangerous degree of electric shock are : voltage , current , function time of current , path of current passing the human body , resistance of human body etc.