
  1. 论人与人生

    Human And Human Life

  2. 物的价值、人的价值与人生价值。

    1.2 . The value of the substance , of man and of life .

  3. 论人的科学与人生科学

    On Sciences of man and Life science

  4. 意识形态是社会价值观念的最高表现,现代性最后将导致人的平面化与人生意义的丧失,人格碎片化与精神生活的堕落。

    Ideology is the highest expression of the social values of modernity will ultimately lead to the loss of the plane of the meaning of life , personality fragmentation and spiritual life of depravity .

  5. 中国传统思想文化本质上是一种关于人的学问,重视现实的人与人生问题是其最根本的特质。

    Chinese traditional cultural ideology is a science concerning with the study of man , in which the realistic relationship between man and human life is attached importance to in particular .

  6. 首先他的作品立足于现实土壤,探索人的存在价值,表现关东人对社会与人生的思考,具有思想价值。

    Firstly , his works based on realistic conditions , exploring human existence value , express contemporary Northeast people think about life , have ideological value .