
  • 网络parenting;parent education;Parental Education
  1. 将父母效能成长团体辅导运用到亲职教育中是有效果的和可行的。

    It 's feasible and effective to put the group guidance of parental effect into parent education .

  2. 所谓亲职教育是指相关组织或机构,为了指导和帮助该年龄阶段儿童的父母或家长胜任养育职责,成功扮演家长角色所实施的有目的、有计划的教育或培训活动。

    So called Parent Education , is a relevant organization or institution which carries purposeful and planned education or training activities . The purpose of this kind of education is to guide and assist the parent or parents who have children in this age to successfully take competent parenting responsibilities .

  3. 新移民妇女亲职教育需求与亲职自我效能感有显著正相关。

    There was significant correlation between parental education needs and parenting self-efficacy for Foreign Spouses in Taipei .

  4. 在当前的美育实践中,尤其要注意家庭美育中的亲职教育、学校美育中的艺术教育和社会美育中的人文环境创造。

    At present , attention should be paid to parents education , arts education and the creation of humane environments .

  5. 本研究根据研究结果,对于初任父亲亲职教育规划,以及后续研究提出建议。

    Based on the results , this research provided suggestions in planning of parent education for the first-time fathers and future research .

  6. 能够为聋校教材编写、教育安置、教育诊断提供实证性依据;能够为聋校改进教学方法、开展亲职教育提供教育建议;

    It could bring out with empirical evidence for compiling textbook , educational placement and educational diagnosis , provide some educational proposals , which helped school for the deaf to improve teaching methods and to develop parental education .