
chǎn xiāo
  • production and marketing
产销 [chǎn xiāo]
  • [production and marketing] 生产和销售的总称

产销[chǎn xiāo]
  1. 要使产销直接挂钩。

    Establish direct contact between the production and marketing departments .

  2. 产销渠道联盟伙伴选择的AHP模型分析

    Analysis on the Production and Marketing Channel Alliance Partner Choice AHP Model

  3. 作为肉类产销大国,加入WTO后我国既面临机遇,又面临挑战。

    As a big country of meat production and marketing , China face not only opportunity but also challenge after WTO entry .

  4. 近年来,越来越多的企业采用产销一体化和CIMS(ComputerIntegratedManufacturingSystem)等先进技术,提高了企业的整体效率和市场竞争能力。

    In recent years , more and more many enterprises used the production and marketing integration and CIMS ( COMPUTER INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING SYSTEM ) and so on .

  5. 基于MES的钢(铁)厂产销系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of the Steel ( Iron ) Plant Production and Marketing System Based on MES

  6. 冷却肉产销中的HACCP管理

    HACCP System of Chilled Meat

  7. 汽车产业是世界性支柱工业,而随着加入WTO我国的汽车制造业发展迅速,到2003年底产销汽车均已突破400万辆,成为世界第四大汽车生产国。

    In 2003 , China has become the 4th largest country of automobile manufacturing in the world and both the output and sales of vehicles were more than four millions .

  8. 本文讲述了其基于ERP,MES等信息系统,并直接作用于产销活动的方方面面。

    This article described its meaning , based on ERP , MES and other information systems , directly worked on all aspects of production and marketing activities .

  9. 而TOC是使瓶颈产能最大化从而使系统产销率最大化的生产管理与控制方法。

    TOC is a management and control method to maximize the capacity of bottlenecks so that the system ' output-sales ratio can be maximized .

  10. 畜牧养殖企业发展的新路子就是充分依靠Internet和数字化技术,利用科学的信息化管理平台去控制产销过程,合理配置资源,指导养殖业实现良性的可持续发展。

    A new way to develop animal husbandry and breeding corporations is relying on the Internet and the digitalized technology . The animal husbandry and breeding industry is to realize the well-behaved sustainable development by the way , depending on the scientific information management platform .

  11. 提出运用先进的信息资源战略规划的方法来指导WH钢铁公司产销信息系统建设。

    Put forward with the method of advanced information resource strategic program guide the WH steel company 's information of production and marketing systematic construction .

  12. 其次对发动机厂全面预算管理内部控制现状进行了调研,主要包含以下几点:一是预算编制以JC公司销量作为基础,以产销平衡作为原则。

    Posterior , the research of comprehensive budget of the engine factory mainly includes : Budgeting bases on JC company sales , produce and sale balance as a principle .

  13. H市自来水公司近几年来,水量漏失严重,企业供水量与收费额差值过大,导致产销差严重背离国家对同类企业允许的漏失率。

    According to the report of the waterworks in H City for the recent years , differentia between water supply and charge is extremely large because of the severe leak , which leads to serious deviation of produce-sale differentia correspond to the leak rate allowed in our country .

  14. 简要分析了目前PVC-U管材的产销现状,2004年PVC-U管材的生产企业约有1000家,生产能力约200万t/a;

    The current production and market situation of PVC - U tubing were analyzed briefly . In the year 2004 , there were about 1 000 PVC - U tubing production enterprises and the production capacity were about two million tons per year .

  15. 叙述了钢铁企业信息化的目标、任务和四级功能结构,重点阐述了产销一体化系统ISPS和钢铁企业信息化的六类关键技术。

    Target , assignment and 4 levels function architecture of enterprise information system in iron and steel industry are described . Emphasis of discussion is put on ISPS ( Integrated System for Production & Sales ) system and 6 categories of key technique for iron and steel enterprise information system .

  16. 产销联合振兴我国润滑油工业

    Combining production with marketing , to develop Chinese lube oil industry

  17. 通过国内果品产销组织现状分析。

    Analyzing the existing situation of fruit producing and sale organization .

  18. 产销不平衡运输问题的遗传算法研究

    Study on Unbalanced Production-Marketing Transport Issue from Aspect of Genetic Algorithm

  19. 苹果产销形势与对策选择&渭北苹果带发展浅析

    The Situation of Apple Production and Marketing and Selection of Countermeasures

  20. 我国汽车工业1996年产销分析及1997年市场预测

    Review of Chinese Auto Market of 1996 and Forecast of 1997

  21. 1996年中国化肥农药产销形势预测

    Forecast on Pesticide Production and Market Sales in China in 1996

  22. 各地区工业产品销售率商品产销成本对销售净额的比率

    Ratio of cost of goods manufactured and sold to net sales

  23. 我国果品产销形势、问题及对策

    The Fruit Production and Marketing Status , Problems and Their Solution

  24. 气源计量误差对产销差的影响

    Influence of Metering Error at Gas Source on the Unaccounted-for Gas

  25. 印度茶叶产销状况分析

    Analysis of the Situation of Production and Marketing of Indian Tea

  26. 实现产销链接的就业指导模式探究

    Realize the Guidance Mode of " Production and Marketing " Chaining

  27. 汽车配件产销体系构架研究

    The Research on the Produce-Sale System of Auto Parts and Components

  28. 世界猪肉产销与我国出口展望

    The Prospect of International Pork Production and Consumption & China Export

  29. 1997年中国服装业产销情况

    Summary of Production and Sales of Chinese Apparel Industry , 1997

  30. 2000年一季度摩托车产销形势

    Production and Sales in the First Quarter 2000 A Flowering Year