
  • 网络Product assembly;Assembly Set
  1. ROBOT控制技术在电子产品组装上的应用

    The Application of ROBOT Control Technology at the Assembly of Electronic Products

  2. 长期以来人们一直认为,将自动化技术应用于iPhone这样的高度定制化且难以制作的产品组装会过于昂贵。

    Automation has long been viewed as too expensive for the assembly of highly customized and difficult-to-make products like iPhones .

  3. 当这些短线连接产品组装在一个通道模块上时,其功能更佳。

    The parts function much better when mounted on the same plane .

  4. 确认产品组装折叠顺利无阻碍。

    Affirm whether or not the assembly and folding are smooth and unimpeded .

  5. 具备继电器产品组装和制程相关经验优先;

    Previous experience with Relays process would be preferred .

  6. 电子产品组装中的静电防护

    Products The Electrostatic Protection in Electronic Protection Assembly

  7. 台湾曾被认为过于昂贵,不适合低成本的下游电子产品组装流水线。

    The island was previously deemed too expensive for low-cost downstream electronics assembly work .

  8. 优异的盲配连接特性,使产品组装非常简便,关键尺寸也很宽松。

    Exceptional blind mating characteristics , allowing for simple product assembly or relaxation of critical dimensions .

  9. 平台为用户提供了相应的核心资产生成工具,产品组装工具和管理工具。

    The platform provided users with the corresponding core asset generation tools , product assembly tools and management tools .

  10. 不错,相比早年热投电子产品组装线和果园时期,风投行业已发生了改变。

    Yes , things have changed about venture capital since those halcyon days of silicon assembly lines and fruit orchards .

  11. 本文并不提供关于使用上述产品组装和部署服务资产的详细信息。

    Providing detailed information on assembling and deploying service assets using the above mentioned products is beyond the scope of this article .

  12. 将投影仪组装作业按照其先后逻辑顺序和作业目的,使用工序图符号对产品组装流程进行工序分析,识别出生产流程改善点。

    This paper analyses the overhead projector 's process flow with the symbol of process chart according to the logical order and purpose of assembly operations .

  13. 离散型制造企业中产品组装的问题是布局和调度相结合在一起的复杂问题,目前国内外学者对其研究较少,要解决这一难题,还需要大量的工作。

    Product assembling is a complicate problem combined layout and scheduling , and there are a few scholars study on it . It needs large numbers of work to solve this difficult problem .

  14. 在传统的电子产品组装生产模式中,一般是工程师利用多种计算机辅助设计工具在计算机上来完成设计,在各种数控设备上完成产品的生产制造。

    In traditional electronics assembly production mode , the general is an engineer make use of computer aided design tools in computer up in various complete design , complete product on CNC equipment manufacturing .

  15. 表面组装技术的焊点虚拟成型和产品虚拟组装技术的研究

    Research of SMT solder joint virtual evolving and SMT product virtual Mount Technology

  16. 消除或限制消费者对产品进行组装、安装或维护时所需要的任务。

    Eliminate or limit tasks needed for consumer assembly , installation , or maintenance of product .

  17. 我们必须革新技术,把我们的新产品推出组装生产线,并培育扶持那些源自企业家的金点子。

    We must unleash the innovation that allows new products to roll off our assembly lines , and nurture the ideas that spring from our entrepreneurs .

  18. 工程级产品的组装和集成系统测试发生在大多数产品开发都已经完成之后;这是生产可以开始之前的最后一个关口。

    Engineering-level product assembly and integrated systems testing occurs after the bulk of product development has concluded ; it is the final gate before manufacturing can commence .

  19. 苹果产品主要组装企业富士康集团表示,这项交易是努力打造物联网产品和更广泛服务的一部分。

    Foxcoon , a major assembler of Apple devices , said the transaction was part of a broader effort to build products and services for the Internet of Things .

  20. 在表面组装技术焊点虚拟成形技术的基础上,运用面向制造的设计思想,以表面组装技术组装质量与焊点可靠性为目标,研究面向表面组装技术生产组装工艺设计的产品虚拟组装系统。

    On the basis of virtual evolving technology of surface mount technology ( SMT ) for the solder joints , Design For Manufacturing ( DFM ) is employed , and DFM-oriented SMT virtual assembly system targeted at assembly quality and solder joint reliability is developed .

  21. 广泛用于精密电子产品,电子组装线,医药制造等。

    The product is widely applied to precision electronic products , electronic assembly line , pharmaceutical manufacturing , etc.

  22. 该特性使得制造商可以管理物理路以及生产多样的产品组件并组装成复杂的产品。

    This unique capability allows manufacturers to manage the physical routing and delivery of multiple product components and subassemblies into complex product assemblies .

  23. 苹果没有指出这些违规的工厂,也没有说出他们具体的位置,但是它的大部分产品在中国组装。

    The company did not name the offending factories , or say where they were based , but the majority of its goods are assembled in China .

  24. 是精密电子产品,电子组装,医药制造组装,包装和细小产品成型的理想的静电消除器。

    They are ideally used in industrial enironments such as delicate electronic assembly line , medical device manufacturing and assembly lines , printing , packaging , and small part injection molding .

  25. 但在我国的装配品等制造行业,大部分关键技术的来源是国外引进,我国制造业企业的角色多是低附加值产品加工商和组装厂。

    But most of the key technologies in our manufacturing industry are from foreign enterprise . In fact , most of manufacturing enterprises in China are low value-added products processors or assembly plants .

  26. 这是因为,中国已经成为出口至全球其它地区产品的最终组装中心,其必然结果就是中国从西方和东亚进口的零部件也会增加。

    That is because China has become the final-assembly hub for goods exported to the rest of the world . Its corollary is increasing Chinese imports of parts and components from the West and East Asia .

  27. 分析传统工业及计算机硬件产业成功的生产模式可以发现:进行符合预定标准的零部件(构件)生产以及基于设计蓝图的标准构件的产品生产(组装和集成)是产业工程化、工业化的成功之路。

    Producing components in accordance with prearranged standards and fabricating products ( assembling and integrating standardized parts ) based on design blueprint is the successful way to industrial industrialization , which is discovered from the analysis of successful manufacture patterns of traditional industries and computer hardware .

  28. 并进行实际产品的设计与组装、调试,最后在实测实验中对预期设计目标进行了检验。

    A new product came into being and was tested to verify its functions that had been expected .

  29. 中国再也不是运往他处的日本产品廉价的最后组装地。

    China is no longer just a cheap place to do final assembly of Japanese products for shipment elsewhere .

  30. 并以构件模型、构件组装操作等作为基础,提出了基于产品线的构件组装。

    And the component model , component assembly operations such as foundation , proposed product line based component assembly .