
  • 网络product line;Product Series;product family;product
  1. HOPERISE是香港红瑞兴国际公司旗下时尚品牌之一,主营高科技时尚休闲服饰产品系列。

    HOPERISE is one of fashion brands of Hong Kong Red Ruixing International Company , which specializes in high-tech leisure fashion dress products series .

  2. 开发新的产品系列,为公司开拓新的增长点。

    Develop new products series , explore new increasing for company .

  3. 公司正在减少投资,缩减产品系列。

    Firms are cutting investment and pruning their product ranges .

  4. 最后,它的特性和功能能够扩展到整个POWER产品系列。

    Finally , its features and functionality extend themselves to the entire POWER product line .

  5. 推动SSL产品系列化,打造高效安全远程连接

    Drive SSL Products Serialization , Construct Secure Remote Connection Effectively

  6. E系列为TPE新型橡胶产品系列。

    TE is the series of the TPE new type rubber products .

  7. IBMsolidDB产品系列是IBM软件组合中最近新添的成员。

    IBM solidDB product family is a recent addition to the IBM software portfolio .

  8. 他曾参与过许多基于WebSphere产品系列的IMSSIP解决方案的研发。

    He has worked on many IMS SIP solutions based on the WebSphere product family .

  9. 基于UG电子表格快速实现产品系列化开发

    Serializing Products Fast Based on UG Spreadsheet

  10. triumph的产品系列中已经有了巡航摩托。

    Triumph already has cruisers in its range .

  11. DB2产品系列软件和因特网技术的结合使我们可以方便地跨不同平台访问信息、使用信息并且保证信息安全。

    DB2 product family software together with Internet technology makes information easily accessible , available , and secure across diverse platforms .

  12. 第一种方式是使用WPAR管理器(IBMSystemDirector产品系列中的一部分),第二种方式是使用命令行。

    The first is by using the WPAR manager ( part of the IBM System Director family ) and the second is using the command line .

  13. 作为一家高科技公司,我们不断拓展我们的产品系列,今后将陆续推出车载数字电视、GPS车载导航系统等先进的产品。

    As a high-tech companies , we continue to expand our product line , will launch vehicle digital TV , GPS car navigation systems and other advanced products .

  14. 东莞市国智节能科技有限公司主要产品系列有:食品、药品制造工厂专用LED三防灯、冷库灯、吊灯等。

    We offer a range of products which are suitable for food and pharmaceutical manufacturing , such as the LED Tri-poof Light , the Cold Storage Lamp , the Pendant Lamp , etc.

  15. 我们将把Alpha做为康柏现有产品系列的扩展部分,并将其做为迫切需要增强功能的应用(如数据仓库、高性能技术计算和Internet商务)的战略性平台。

    We see Alpha as an extension of Compaq 's current product line and as a strategic platform for power-hungry applications like data warehousing , high-performance technical computing and Internet commerce .

  16. 他拥有BI产品系列的广泛知识,包括数据访问、演示、内容管理、安全、数据建模和系统优化。

    He has a broad knowledge of BI product family , including data access , presentation , content management , security , data modeling , and system optimization .

  17. PROFIBUS是目前适用于整个电厂过程工业的单一现场总线标准,且产品系列齐全;

    With full series of products , PROFIBUS is the only field bus criteria applicable to the entire power plant operative process .

  18. 本文分四个主要方面来叙述AC发泡剂的改性。其改性目的在于扩大应用领域,增加新品种,优化发泡制品以及加速AC产品系列化。

    The modification of AC blowing agent is related from four aspects , which is for expanding application , increasing varieties , optimizing the blowing products and speeding up the seriation of the product .

  19. 参数化设计方法是CAD最热门的应用技术之一,具有高效性、实用性等特点,在产品系列设计方面具有较高的应用价值。

    Parametric design method is one of the most popular application technology of CAD , and it has some characteristics with high efficiency and availability , and it has great practical value in product series design .

  20. 作为对比,今年年初孩之宝为旗下的小马产品系列引入了一组新款玩具&MyLittlePonyEquestriaGirls。

    Hasbro , meanwhile , introduced my little pony equestria girls a set of dolls to its line of pony products earlier this year .

  21. 现在我们已经完成了对DEC的收购,我们将合并两个公司的电脑产品系列。

    Now that we have completed the acquisition of Digital , we will merge the two companies ' PC product lines .

  22. 至此以后它被并入到IBMBPM产品系列中,提供健壮且可伸缩的SOA基础设施,该基础设施在BPM平台中非常重要。

    Since that time it has been incorporated into the IBM BPM family of products , providing the robust and scalable SOA infrastructure that is essential in a BPM platform .

  23. 介绍了两种使用UG电子表格快速实现产品系列化的方法,使用这两种方法可以在顶级装配件中控制装配组件的变异,得到不同的装配体,实现产品系列化。

    Two methods were introduced to serialize product in this paper . The methods using UG spreadsheet control assembly parts variation to get different assembly parts and achieve serialization .

  24. 通过该方案的实施,有效地降低了产品系列和产品版本数量、提高了BOM表生成效率和成本核算的准确度。

    Via this scheme , we reduced the amount of the products and the BOM , improved the efficiency of the BOM regeneration and the accuracy of costing .

  25. 新一代iPad、新一代iPhone,以及苹果iPhone廉价版产品系列(如果传言属实的话)也将一一亮相。

    The next generation iPad , next generation iPhone , and ( if the rumor of Apple iPhone Lite is true ) the iPhone Lite product line will pop up too .

  26. EPON终端设备ONU的成功研制,能够完善我公司无源光网络产品系列,提高公司研发团队的水平。

    The success of EPON terminal equipments ONU , can perfect my company have EPON product line and raise the level of company development team .

  27. 该系统的使用不需UG操作专门知识,适合产品系列化设计,大大提高了包装容器三维设计效率,为基于UG的产品CAD/CAE/CAM并行化设计打下良好基础。

    The system can be used without special knowledge of UG and suitable to kindred product designing . It improves the special packing case designing and prepares the ground for integrated design of CAD / CAE / CAM .

  28. 结合自家研发的NAND技术,力晶称其有能力满足飞速成长的移动应用市场的需求,并为市场提供完整的产品系列。

    Combining self-developed NAND technology , Powerchip said it ''is able to address the rapidly growing mobile application market , providing a complete memory product portfolio . ' '

  29. 华硕正在扩大此类产品系列,从智能手表到基于谷歌GoogleTV平台的智能电视设备,施崇棠还在监督机器人和增强现实技术方面的秘密项目。后者是指将计算机产生的效果叠加到人的真实世界视觉。

    Asus is expanding its range of such pr , from smartwatches to a smart television device made for Google , and Mr Shih is overseeing secret projects in robotics and augmented reality technology - a view of the real world embellished with computer-generated effects .

  30. 该系统的使用只需用户的初步UGNX操作知识就可进行操作,适用于产品系列化设计,可大大提高电气开关柜产品的设计效率。

    The system only demand users ' basic operation of UG NX , fit to serialize designed products , and the design efficiency can be greatly promote by using this system .