
  • 网络Product Safety
  1. EPA、DHA的营养功能及其产品安全性分析

    Nutritive Function and Safety Analysis of EPA and DHA

  2. FCC委员会调查和研究产品安全性的各个阶段以找出解决问题的最好方法,同时FCC也包括无线电装置、航空器的检测等等。

    FCC Commission to investigate and study the various stages of product safety in order to find the best way to solve the problem , while FCC also includes radio equipment , aircraft testing and so on .

  3. Cd胁迫下As污染土壤对农作物生长及农产品安全性的影响

    Effects of As pollutant in soil on crop growth and safety of agricultural products under Cd stress

  4. 从硬件IP保护芯片的选择到软件保护的架构设计,都是本着低成本下提高产品安全性的指导原则,因而使得该课题研究也具有较强的创新性意义。

    IP protection from hardware selection to software protection architecture design , are in line with low cost to improve product safety under the guidelines , thus making the research project also has a strong innovative significance .

  5. 根据去皮果蔗的加工特性,进行了危害分析,确定了关键控制点(CCP),并制定了相应的预防措施和监测方法,以提高去皮果蔗的生产质量管理和产品安全性。

    Basing on the processing characteristic of peeled chewing cane , this essay studied its hazard analysis , determined critical points , monitoring procedure and corrective action , so as to promote the management of production quality , and ensure the safety of the products .

  6. 食用油脂生产过程对产品安全性的影响

    Influence of the production process of edible oil on product safety

  7. 高防晒指数防晒产品安全性研究探讨

    Security Performance Research on Sunscreen Products with a High SPF Value

  8. 用标准指导设计生产,提高产品安全性

    Use standard to guide design and production and enhance safety of product

  9. 强化企业对其产品安全性的责任;

    And enhance the safety responsibility in the related industry .

  10. 优化航空产品安全性的现代模式&系统安全

    Modern Mode for Optimizing Aviation Product Safety & System Safety

  11. 对畜禽产品安全性与畜牧产业发展的思考

    Thinking of livestock production security and animal husbandry development

  12. 而描述这些设备或产品安全性的一个重要指标就是可靠性。

    One of the import indexes of these products safety is the reliability .

  13. 生物发光法在农产品安全性检测中的应用前景

    Prospects of Applying Bioluminescence in Monitoring Agricultural Product Safety

  14. 水产品安全性检测的现状与对策

    Status and Countermeasures of Safety Test of Aquatic Product

  15. 概念设计中产品安全性评价指标体系的建立和分析

    Construction of evaluation system in safety design

  16. 机械产品安全性评价的研究

    Study on safety evaluation of mechanical products

  17. 我国农产品安全性问题与技术发展趋势研究

    The Safety Issue of China 's Agricultural Products and the Developing Trend of Safe Production Technology

  18. 任凭对产品安全性的一再重复保证,许多人停止了对它的购买。

    Despite repeated assurances that the product is safe , many people have stopped buying it .

  19. 内部报告,危害识别和问题的快速消除帮助持续提高产品安全性。

    Internal reporting , hazard identification and fast elimination of issues helps to continuously improve product safety .

  20. 成都市农副水产品安全性跟周围环境密切相关。

    The security of the sideline aquatic products in suburb of Chengdu is closely related with the surrounding environment .

  21. 然而,因为产品安全性不佳导致人员伤亡、财产损失等事件屡见不鲜。

    Also , because of the poor product safety which led to casualties and property losses are a common occurrence .

  22. 这些结果对于在卷烟叶组配方中提高产品安全性,更好地利用现有材料具有重要参考价值。

    The results in the studies can give important reference for improving safety and usability of leaf tobacco in proceeding .

  23. 肝毒性微囊藻毒素在巢湖和太湖水生动物体内的生物富集及对水产品安全性的潜在威胁

    Bioaccumulation of the Hepatotoxic Microcystins in Aquatic Animals of Lakes Chaohu and Taihu with Potential Risk to the Safety of Aquatic Products

  24. 海洋生物技术的研究进展与转基因水产品安全性评价转基因水生生物研制及其安全问题

    Advance of Marine Biotechnology and Safety of Transgenic Aquatic Organisms The research and produce of transgenic aquatic organisms and its safety issues

  25. 数字技术发展及广泛应用使得人们开始把更多的注意力放在数字产品安全性的保护上,数字音频水印技术是解决数字音频产权保护及安全性的有效途径,已逐渐成为当今研究的一个热点。

    With the development and wide application of digital technology , people begin to pay more attention to protect the safety of digital products .

  26. 目前疯牛病、禽流感等动物传染病传染给人类的事例,引起了人们对肉食产品安全性的高度关注。

    The case , that the mad bull disease and bird flu infected human , caused people 's attention to the reliability of meat .

  27. 伴随互联网和多媒体技术的迅猛发展,数字产品安全性已成为信息社会备受关注的课题。

    At present , with the rapid development of Internet and multimedia technologies , the security of digital products has become the issues of particular concern .

  28. 现在用于判断候选转基因产品安全性的过敏性风险评估过程使新型的食物过敏原不大可能进入市场。

    The allergenic risk assessment process currently used to determine the safety of candidate transgenes makes it highly unlikely that a'novel'food allergen would be introduced into the market .

  29. 第三分析影响产品安全性的基本因素。通过分析影响产品安全的潜在因素,建立安全设计的基本思路、基本程序和基本方法。

    The third is to research the factors which effect on product safety , by analyzing these factors , the basic idea 、 procedure and method are built up .

  30. 随着人们对畜牧产品安全性的重视,红曲霉以其绿色安全本质和独特的生物学功能倍受关注。

    With the attention of the safety of livestock products , much attention was payed to Monascus because of its " green and security " essence and unique biological features .