
  • 网络dealer market;Dealer's Market
  1. 在报价驱动制度下(交易商市场),交易者有时必须选择次优策略,因此,交易商市场的效率不是完全有效的。

    The trader must adopt suboptimal strategies under quote-driven system ( Dealership market ), whose efficiency is not effective .

  2. 投机者、交易商和市场信心(sentiments)对外汇交易市场的波动影响巨大。

    Speculators , traders and sentiments contribute significantly to the volatility of the FX markets .

  3. 新闻和市场数据提供商汤森路透(thomsonreuters)今天启动一项新的服务,这将使解决欧洲各股票交易商面对市场数据日渐割裂的努力取得一定进展。

    Efforts to address the increasing fragmentation of market data faced by equities traders across Europe will take a step forward today with the launch of a new service by Thomson Reuters , the news and market data vendor .

  4. 对信用衍生品的需求,让人工处理为主的现有交易商和市场基础设施应接不暇,导致未经确认的交易大量积压。

    Demand for credit derivatives overwhelmed the existing , largely manual , dealer and market infrastructure , leading to a large backlog of unconfirmed trades .

  5. 由于不同的透明度会直接影响到市场发展模式与交易商在市场中的行为,从而影响流动性,因此,研究透明度对流动性的影响具有重要的理论及现实意义。

    Since different transparency will impact on market development modes and on the behavior of dealers in the market , then affect liquidity , thus the study of the influence of transparency to liquidity is of great theoretical and practical significance .

  6. 但他坚称,自己不过是比多数交易商更了解市场状况,因为他与船队的客户合作紧密。

    But he insists it is simply that he understands market conditions better than most traders because he works so closely with customers for his fleet of ships .

  7. 但其他交易商认为,市场恐慌现象被夸大了。他们指出,虽然全球产量下降,但泰国等主要出口国的库存量依然很大。

    But other traders believe the panic is overblown , noting that stocks in key exporters such as Thailand are high in spite of a drop in global production .

  8. 计算能力的显著提升彻底改变了投资界,依据算法的交易商和投资者在市场上的影响力越来越大。

    Dramatic improvements in computing power have revolutionised the investment world , with algorithmic traders and investors increasingly influential across markets .

  9. 尽管金银币的购买在总需求中仅占相对较小的一部分,但交易商将它看作市场情绪的一个重要指标。

    Although gold and silver coin buying accounts for a relatively small slice of overall demand , traders see it as an important indicator of sentiment .

  10. 自从今年3月中国宣布这项政策以来,热煤价格已上涨20%,中国交易商被迫抢购海运市场的货源或削减库存。

    Since the policy was announced in March , the price of thermal coal has risen by 20 per cent as Chinese traders have been forced to chase cargoes in the seaborne market or draw down stocks .

  11. 他表达了一点担心,即旨在限制外国参与交易的加纳法律,目前并没有得到执行,这使得中国交易商能够在加纳市场上排挤本土竞争对手&这种情况正在越来越多的非洲国家成为一个问题。

    He voiced concern that Ghanaian laws limiting foreign involvement in trading were not being enforced , allowing Chinese traders to edge out local competitors in Ghanaian markets , a sore point in a growing number of African countries .