
  • 网络Interactive Media
  1. 明年Claypool教授将会提出有关WPI的新的交互媒体和游戏开发课程的专业技术。

    Next year , Professor Claypool will bring his expertise to bear on WPI 's new interactive media and games development major .

  2. 数字电视交互媒体平台应用程序编程接口规范及软件结构

    APIs and Software Architecture of Digital TV Interactive Media Platform

  3. 分布式交互媒体中基于补偿感知机制的研究

    Research on Compensation-based Awareness Mechanism for Distributed Interactive Media

  4. 交互媒体造型中所蕴含的美学逻辑为其他的媒体艺术提供了参考内容。

    The Esthetics in Modeling of interactive media provides reference to other media art .

  5. 文章提出的感知机制将使分布式交互媒体下用户的协同工作更加灵活和有效。

    The distributed interactive media can be more flexible and effective when adopting this awareness mechanism .

  6. 交互媒体艺术是一门以数字媒体学科为背景,综合了影像艺术的综合性学科。

    Interactive media art is a comprehensive discipline which based on digital media and compromises image art .

  7. 分布式交互媒体在远程教育、分布式虚拟环境、网络游戏等系统中有其广泛的应用前景。

    Distributed interactive media have wide applications in distance education , distributed virtual environment and network games etc.

  8. 近年来,微博已然成为一种重要的交互媒体,已经在逐渐改变传统的信息传播方式。

    Micro-blog , as an important interactive media , has been gradually changing the traditional information dissemination in recent years .

  9. 交互媒体艺术的兴起也使得参与到艺术创作中的媒介变得多样化,使得整个艺术创作朝着跨学科的方向推进发展。

    The rise of Interactive art makes related media more diversified and the artistic creation forward to cross ‐ disciplinary .

  10. 分布式交互媒体日渐成为重要的研究方向,其主要特征就是用户直接与媒体进行交互。

    Distributed interactive media , characterized by the direct interaction of users with the medium itself , has become an important research area of computer science .

  11. 本文对分布式交互媒体的各种关键技术,包括一致性控制模型、交互媒体传输、应用控制模型、交互媒体安全等方面作了深入研究。

    This paper studies several key technologies of distributed interactive media , including consistency control model , transportation of interactive media , application control model and interactive media security etc.

  12. 20世纪60年代初,出现了图形用户界面,它大量使用图形、语音以及其它交互媒体,极大地方便了用户使用。

    In the early 1960s appeared the graphical user interface ( GUI ) which makes a large use of graphical , audio and other interactive media and brings a great convenience to the user .

  13. 新媒体环境下的交互媒体是基于互动性、参与性、情感交流于一体,企业抓住时机,使品牌推广从传统说服时代向新兴的沟通时代转变。

    New media environment of interactive media is based on the interactivity , participation and emotional communication at an organic whole , making the brand promotion from traditional " persuade " age to a new era " communication " transformation .

  14. 文章提出了一个分布式交互媒体中补偿感知机制,目的是能够根据网络的带宽、计算机的计算能力、工作环境和用户或者任务的具体要求来进行对感知的动态调整和自适应。

    In this paper , we propose a compensation-based awareness mechanism for distributed interactive media , which aims at providing self-adaptive and suitable awareness according to the network bandwidth , the local machine 's computation capability , current working area and the requirements of task and users .

  15. 可交互流媒体服务中的应用层组播技术研究

    Research on Application Layer Multicast in Interactive Streaming Media

  16. 如果对远程教育课程进行很好的设计,它们将很可能为学习者提供多种选择方式,从而产生交互与媒体最恰当的组合。

    If distance learning courses are well designed , they will likely offer learners a wide range of choices , thereby providing the optimal combinations of interaction and media .

  17. 作为一种全新的、交互的媒体,手机报与纸质报纸结合,重点在于如何实现互补互动,合作双赢。

    The paper newspapers start to cooperate with mobile newspapers , which is a new and interactive medium . The emphasis is how to achieve complementary 、 interactive and win-win cooperation .

  18. 近年来,人们的需求不断上升,不再满足浏览下载文本,而是需要能够实时使用并且交互的媒体资源,流媒体由此而生,并得到了很快的发展。

    In recent years , with the rising demand , the people no longer meet download text , but needs to be practical and real-time interactive media resources , streaming media , and thus obtained fast development .

  19. 它具有小型化、可扩展、与Web上的多种标准交互操作和媒体紧密集成的特性。

    It has features such as lightweight , extension , interoperation with other relevant standards and tight media integration .

  20. RMFS:一种支持用户交互的流媒体调度方案

    RMFS : A Streaming Media Scheduling Scheme Supporting User Interactivity

  21. 多场景规划及动态交互的流媒体网络实验开发

    Development of Streaming Media Network Experiment Based on Multi-scenes Planning and Dynamic Interaction

  22. 动态、可更新、有交互的新媒体正在挑战以书籍、报纸杂志为代表的传统平面媒体的地位。

    Multimedia , renewable and interactive new media is challenging the status of traditional print media represented by books , newspapers and magazines .

  23. 远程教育中媒体与技术的选择要考虑教学的主题、学生、环境、期望的交互方式以及媒体的自身属性等因素。

    Taking long-distance education should take many factors into consideration , such as teaching topics , students , environment and attributes of media , etc.

  24. 实时流协议(Real-timeStreamingProtocol)为用户和服务器之间提供交互命令,控制媒体流的传输。

    RTSP ( Real-Time Streaming Protocol ) provide the control of the session and user command to interact with the server .

  25. 而且,流媒体的长会话和交互特性为流媒体云的弹性调度带来了极大挑战。

    And the long sessions and interactivity features of streaming media bring a great challenge to the elastic scheduling of media streaming cloud .

  26. 交互艺术&新媒体艺术的分枝,像一朵含苞欲放的花蕾,正向着当代艺术家和艺术爱好者们展示她的独特魅力。

    Interactive Art is a part of New Media Art , just like a flowering bud , showing her unique charm to contemporary artist and art lovers .

  27. 在此基础上讨论了视频点播传输系统的核心功能,分析点播交互请求处理,媒体数据传输,终端数据接收等主要流程。

    Based on it , main core functions of VOD transmission control system are discussed ; VOD interactive requesting handling , media data transmitting and terminal data receiving are analyzed as main processes .

  28. 在将来条件允许的情况下,可以增加卫星转发器的带宽,引入新的数据广播协议,即可实现交互功能、流媒体等其他实时性的数据广播业务。

    With the addition of satellite bandwidth and the introduction of new data broadcasting protocol , the system can achieve interactive function . It can provide real-time data broadcasting services such as stream-media .

  29. 在此基础上,讨论了基于IP/DVB技术的专用网催费系统的核心功能,分析了催费系统信息交互请求处理、媒体数据传输、终端数据接收等主要流程。

    On this foundation , discuss the push for the core of the system function , analyze the information interaction requests handling , media data transmission , terminal data receiving , the main process .

  30. 在上海二期课改的进程中,这两种力量交互影响,以媒体互动的形式作用于教科书的建构行动。

    In the process of the Second-round Curriculum Reform in Shanghai , textbook agents and social forces have interactive influence on each other and exert effect on the textbook construction with the form of media .