
  1. 相比之下,成立在拥有较成熟行业(一般专注于消费品、互联网技术或新能源领域)的沿海地区的基金却一直能给投资者带来丰厚的回报。

    By contrast , funds in coastal areas with more mature industries typically focused on consumer goods , Internet technology or new energy have been providing good returns for investors .

  2. 林毅夫称,中国的众多产业仍有巨大的发展潜力,比如设备制造、电子商务、互联网金融、新能源以及环境保护;要持续通过技术革新和产业升级提高生产力。

    China still has huge development potential in many industries , such as equipment manufacturing , e-commerce , Internet finance , alternative energy and environmental protection . Productivity should be continually improved by relying on technological innovation and industrial upgrading , he said .