
  • 网络Internet infrastructure
  1. 印度盗版率高达75%、政府信赖开源软件、互联网基础设施糟糕、电脑使用率低,因此,微软(Microsoft)发现很难在印度经营软件业务。

    Microsoft ( MSFT ) discovered India to be a tough place to run a software business with a piracy rate of 75 % , governmental obsession with open source software , poor Internet infrastructure , and low usage of computers .

  2. 论互联网基础设施的社会价值

    The Social Value of Internet Infrastructure

  3. 今年8月,中国电信无锡分公司率先用IPv6升级了该市的互联网基础设施,建设了光纤宽带网络和无线网络。

    China Telecom 's Wuxi branch took the lead in upgrading the city 's internet infrastructure with IPv6 this August with a Fiber optic broadband network and a wireless network .

  4. 韩国电信正领导该国第五代移动通信(5G)技术项目。在黄昌圭的三年任期内,该公司将投资4.5万亿韩元,建设超高速互联网基础设施,其速度将比现有网络快10倍以上。

    KT , which is leading the country 's drive for fifth-generation , or 5G , mobile connectivity , is investing Won4.5tn during Mr Hwang 's three-year term to build superfast internet networks that will be more than 10 times faster than current ones .

  5. 不过这么做需要花上一段时间,因为IT团队必须赶紧分析出哪些系统需要更新,而且Shellshock漏洞可能只是互联网基础设施的诸多漏洞之一。

    But that will take time , as IT teams rush to work out which systems need updating , and Shellshock may be one of many vulnerabilities in the basic architecture of the internet .

  6. 这场竞争促使瑞典爱立信(Ericsson)和中国华为等电信设备生产商投入数十亿美元进行研发。它们希望拿到AT&T和中国移动等亚洲运营商的移动互联网基础设施升级订单,获取丰厚利润。

    The competition has led to research worth billions of dollars from telecommunications equipment makers like Ericsson of Sweden and Huawei of China , which are hoping to secure lucrative contracts to upgrade the mobile Internet infrastructure of operators like AT & T from the United States and China Mobile in Asia .

  7. 韩国已是全球连接程度最高的国家,拥有速度最快的互联网基础设施。

    South Korea is already the world 's most wired nation with the fastest internet network .

  8. 三是城市建设方面,加快轨道交通建设、扩容新机场、加快互联网基础设施建设、继续做好道路建设。

    Third , accelerate the construction of rail transportation , the expansion of the new airport , to speed up the Internet infrastructure .

  9. 当时,为了应对亚洲金融危机,韩国政府开始注重发展电信及互联网基础设施。

    At the time , in response to the Asian financial crisis , the South Korean government focused on telecommunications and Internet infrastructure .

  10. 报告指出,中国的互联网基础设施建设稳步推进,尤其在移动基础设施和应用基础设施方面取得了一定成就。

    According to the report , China has made steady advancements in internet infrastructure construction , especially in mobile infrastructure and application infrastructure .

  11. 根据研究调查,相对发达的互联网基础设施,颇受大家欢迎的有拥有旅游,金融,媒体,政府和零售网站的国家。

    The survey looked at popular travel , finance , media , government and retail sites in countries with relatively well-developed Internet infrastructure .

  12. 加强农村互联网基础设施建设,建设农业相关的公共信息服务平台。

    Internet infrastructure in rural areas will also be improved , and agriculture-related public information and service platforms will be established as well .

  13. 文件中披露,其中一套设备将送到叙利亚的电信机构,成为其互联网基础设施的一部分。

    One set of devices was bound for the Syrian Telecommunications Establishment to be used as part of their Internet backbone , the document reveals .

  14. 一些在职和前任执法人员表示,这一侵入可能是为了获取破坏相当大部分互联网基础设施的能力。

    Some current and former law enforcement officials said the hack could be aimed at obtaining the ability to undermine large parts of internet infrastructure .

  15. 对互联网基础设施的各种市场价格机制的分析比较,得出了有利于提高互联网基础设施的社会价值的定价方法。

    Through analyzing and comparing between several market mechanisms , the reasonable market mechanism that can improve the social value of Internet infrastructure is elicited .

  16. 公平合理地使用互联网基础设施,追求其社会价值最大化,是实现和谐社会的必然要求。

    It is necessary for people to use Internet infrastructure equally and reasonably to pursue the social value of Internet infrastructure in order to realize harmonious society .

  17. 近年来域名系统等互联网基础设施频繁受到恶意攻击或因故障瘫痪,给网络安全造成极大冲击。

    In recent years , infrastructures such as Domain Name System ( DNS ) have been frequently paralyzed by malfunctions or malicious attacks , which dramatically impacting the network security .

  18. “任何涉及全球互联网基础设施的组织都参与其中,”他补充说,“他们把有关人员带到桌上,建立起工作联系。”

    " Anybody that was involved in global Internet infrastructure was involved ," he added . " They got the players to the table and figured out working relationships . "

  19. 有限的电话和互联网基础设施,以及智能手机价格的不断下跌意味着,缅甸的6000万人口中,多数将通过手机初次接触互联网。

    Limited telephone and Internet infrastructure , and decreasing smartphone costs , mean most of Myanmar 's 60 million people will experience the Internet for the first time through cellphones .

  20. 对英国的互联网基础设施的评价很差,主要是由于它的宽带速度慢,但英国的网络购物消费及其政府却是非常的活跃。

    Britain 's internet infrastructure rates poorly , mainly because of its slow broadband speeds , but it has the highest per-person online spending and its government agencies are very active .

  21. 奎伊表示:当我们要求建设更好的高速互联网基础设施时,政府观察员其实很赞赏,因为他们知道,他们会从这些投资中获得好的回报。

    The government observers actually appreciate it when we ask for , say , better high-speed internet infrastructure , because they know they will get a good return on their investment .

  22. 郑州汉唐文化&利用非常普及的高速互联网基础设施,推广汉语文化,目前也是河南省第一家互联网汉语学习机构。

    Zhengzhou Hantang international culture & trade co. , Ltd makes full use of the web facality and entends the great Chinese culture , which is also the first online Chinese learning organization .

  23. 借助互联网基础设施和信息化手段,改变基层委托监管方式,使其最大层度地发挥医疗器械监管信息共享的优势,已成为一个重要课题。

    With Internet infrastructure and information technology tools to change the way primary regulatory commission , to the maximum level degree of regulation of medical devices to play the advantages of information sharing has become an important issue .

  24. 在知识经济时代,我们既要看到构成互联网基础设施的物理网和逻辑网的作用,也应看到传统信息网的作用。

    In the age of knowledge economy , we should pay reasonable attention to the role of traditional information network while we are giving high value to the physical and logical network infrastructure facilities on which Internet is formed .

  25. 这个对网络实体无礼的提醒激起了他对互联网基础设施的兴趣,因为这些满世界绕在一起的电线、电缆、路由器和数据中心使得互联网成为可能,而大多数用户认为这些完全是理所当然。

    That rude reminder of the net 's physicality sparked an interest in the infrastructure that makes the internet possible & the globe-spanning tangle of wires , cables , routers and data centres that most users take entirely for granted .

  26. 这个对网络实体“无礼”的提醒激起了他对互联网基础设施的兴趣,因为这些满世界绕在一起的电线、电缆、路由器和数据中心使得互联网成为可能,而大多数用户认为这些完全是理所当然。

    That rude reminder of the net 's physicality sparked an interest in the infrastructure that makes the internet possible - the globe-spanning tangle of wires , cables , routers and data centres that most users take entirely for granted .

  27. 路由器是互联网基础设施的重要组成部分,网络的快速发展对路由器性能和功能要求不断提高,路由器体系结构如何适应技术和应用发展的需求,成为了网络领域的研究热点。

    The router is the key component of Internet . Nowadays , with the development of router 's performance and function , how router meets the needs of future evolvement in network technology and application is becoming the hot research topic .

  28. 然而,作为互联网关键基础设施重要组成的BGP路由系统却缺乏必要的安全机制,使得恶意的自治系统网络管理员能够随意宣告、拦截或篡改BGP路由。

    However , as an important component of the critical Internet infrastructure , the BGP routing system lacks necessary security mechanisms , and malicious autonomous system ( AS ) operators may arbitrarily announce , intercept or tamper BGP routes .

  29. SusanTeltscher:“由于准备互联网线基础设施和光缆基础设施非常困难,手机网络给他们提供了通过无线网络连通互联网的巨大的机会。”

    SUSAN TELTSCHER : " Because it 's so difficult to put in place the cable infrastructure and the fiber infrastructure , the mobile networks really offer a great opportunity for them to connect to the Internet over the wireless networks . "

  30. 构建移动互联网应用基础设施&打造开放花园

    Mobile Internet Application Infrastructure : An Open Garden