
hù chì
  • mutual exclusion;be mutually exclusive;incompatibility
互斥 [hù chì]
  • [be mutually exclusive] 互相排斥

  • 同性电荷互斥

  • (1) [mutual exclusion]∶互相排斥的行为或事例

  • (2) [incompatibility]∶火成岩结晶时在两种物质平衡的条件下,一种成分因另一种的存在而受排斥

互斥[hù chì]
  1. 基于PV原语的进程同步与互斥问题分析

    Analysis on Process Synchronization and Mutual Exclusion Question based on PV Primitives

  2. 基于Token追踪的分布式互斥算法

    A distributed mutual exclusion algorithm based on token chasing

  3. 而是想出新策略、想出更多互斥行为、采用更多的渐进法。

    Rather , I brainstormed new strategies , thought up more incompatible behaviors and used approximations .

  4. 模式i和c是互斥的。

    Modes I and c are mutually exclusive .

  5. Linux多线程的互斥与同步控制及实践

    Mutex and Synchronization of Multithreading Program in Linux and Its Practice

  6. 这些互斥量只对VM的C代码可见。

    These mutexes are not visible to Java code , only VM C code .

  7. Linux互斥锁机制的研究及改进

    Reasearch and Improvement on Mutex of Linux

  8. Linux下互斥机制及其分析

    Analyses of Mutual Exclusion Mechanism in Linux

  9. 软AP和adhoc网络在同一块物理网卡上是互斥的。

    SoftAP and ad hoc networking are mutually exclusive on the same physical adapter .

  10. 最后,我们讨论构建在原子API上的内核互斥锁。

    Finally , we explore kernel mutexes , which are built on top of the atomic API .

  11. 在进行启发式估值的图扩展过程中增加对两元互斥关系的判断,以避免大部分deadend状态。

    In the expanding planning graph phase , CEFF introduces the judgment of exclusive relation , and avoids the great mass of dead-end states .

  12. 基于Petri网的互斥算法

    Petri nets based mutual exclusion algorithms

  13. 一个嵌入式RTOS中TCP相关任务的互斥问题

    Mutual Exclusion of TCP-related Tasks in an Embedded RTOS

  14. 用信号量机制与PV操作解决进程同步互斥问题的方法Windows下的线程互斥和同步

    Achieve Mutual Exclusion in Process Synchronization with Signal Mechanism and PV Operation Line Procedure Mutually-exclusive and Synchronization under Windows

  15. 如果线程a试图锁定一个互斥对象,而此时线程b已锁定了同一个互斥对象时,线程a就将进入睡眠状态。

    If thread " a " tries to lock a mutex while thread " b " has the same mutex locked , thread " a " goes to sleep .

  16. 然而与一些人所认为的相反,这些不同的面向服务体系结构(Service-OrientedArchitecture,SOA)设计模式不是互斥的。

    Contrary to what some might believe ; however , these distinct Service-Oriented Architecture ( SOA ) design patterns are not mutually exclusive .

  17. 详细介绍了在Linux环境下,特别是内核态下可能遇到的各种互斥场景,依据代码执行路径对其进行了分类。

    This article describes the mutex situation under the Linux environment , especially in kernel space , and classifies them by code-executing path .

  18. 本文给出了信号量的具体含义并提出用P,V原语实现进程互斥的一般模型。

    In this paper , We give specific meaning of semaphores and put forward a general model to achieve process mutual exclusion with P , V primitive .

  19. 内核互斥锁是在原子API之上实现的,但这对于内核用户是不可见的。

    The kernel mutex is implemented on top of the atomic API , though this is not visible to the kernel user .

  20. 最后,所有现有语句和CL命令在整个文件上需要一个互斥型锁。

    Lastly , all the existing statements and CL commands required an exclusive lock on the entire file .

  21. 这个例程做了一些新的工作;它锁定一个叫做countmutex的互斥量。

    This routine does something new ; it locks a mutex called , creatively enough , count_mutex .

  22. 最后,可以通过调用mutexislocked检查互斥锁的状态。

    Finally , you can check the status of a mutex through a call to mutex_is_locked .

  23. 互斥锁API提供了5个函数:其中3个用于锁定,一个用于解锁,另一个用于测试互斥锁。

    The mutex API provides five functions : three are used for locking , one for unlocking , and another for testing a mutex .

  24. 最后,本文提出了一种电位控制的矩阵式,N中取1的互斥逻辑电路和电位控制的自动取样电路。

    Finally , a choice of 1 out of N potential controlled mutual blocking logical circuits in the form of matrix and a potential controlled auto-sampling circuit have been recommended .

  25. 如果线程2要运行,它就要锁定countmutex,而这个互斥量已经被线程1占有了。

    If thread two runs , it 'll want to lock count_mutex , which is held by thread one .

  26. 注意,在释放互斥锁之后调用pthreadcondbroadcast。

    Note that you 've invoked pthread_cond_broadcast after releasing the mutex .

  27. NPV与IRR评价互斥方案结论差异的原因分析

    Causal Analysis of the Differences in NPV and IRR Appraisal Results for Contradicting Projects

  28. 在UNIX中,可以使用pthreadmutexinit()例程动态地创建一个互斥信号量。

    In UNIX , a mutex is created dynamically with the pthread_mutex_init () routine .

  29. 我们还引用了一系列互斥示例代码来帮助您进行从Win32到Linux的迁移行动。

    We also referenced lists of mutex sample codes to help you when you undertake the migration activity involving Win32 to Linux .

  30. 整个Agent采用符合POSIX规范的多线程技术,线程问通过互斥技术进行通讯。

    It 's developed in C + + under Linux platform . The thread technology accord with POSIX specification is adopted in this agent .